Bariuma Ramen

    Bariuma Ramen

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    Brand Info.

    • Brand HistorySince 1992
    • Store LocationsJapan, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia
    • Investment LevelASK


    "Addictive taste" is the key to our success
    "Bariuma Ramen" is tonkotsu (pork bone) syoyu (soy sauce) ramen with rich pork broth with soy sauce flavor in which the natural flavor of tonkotsu is well extracted. At the beginning, oour goal was to create a taste that no one had ever experienced and a store that no one had ever seen. So we traveled around the country and tried a variety of ramen to finally find out the answer: the tonkotsu shoyu ramen. It took a long time for us to successfully create a taste that is "so delicious and so addictive" with such a simple procedure that enables anyone to recreate the same taste of ramen. In order to attract a wide range of overseas customers, we have also created a chicken soup and a chicken gyoza with no pork ingredients.

    "クセになるおいしさ "が決め手
    "ばりうまラーメン "は、とんこつ本来の旨みをしっかりと引き出した醤油味の濃厚な豚骨醤油ラーメンです。当初、私たちが目指したのは、「誰も食べたことのない味」「誰も見たことのない店」でした。そのために全国を回り、さまざまなラーメンを食べて、ようやくたどり着いたのが「とんこつ醤油ラーメン」だったのです。誰でも同じ味のラーメンを再現できるような簡単な手順で、「こんなにおいしくて、こんなにやみつきになる」味を作り出すことに成功するまでには、長い時間がかかりました。また、海外のお客様にも広く楽しんでいただけるよう、豚の具材を使わない「鶏スープ」や「鶏餃子」も誕生しました。

    Advantages etc

    More than 70 stores worldwide
    Being attracted by the size and possibility of Sountheast Asian market, we opened two corporate-owned store in Singapore. Since then, we have opened 25 franchise stores in Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Macau, Australia and the Philippines. We are going to promote area franchise agreement with the aim to open another 100 stores in 5 years.


    Contact Agent

    Hajime Kobayashi
    Hajime Kobayashi
    CEO from Biz Rise Co., Ltd.

    Born in Tokyo. After working as a store operations supervisor, employee training instructor, property developer, and store opener at franchisors in various industries such as retail, service, and food & beverage, he was in charge of setting up franchisors and served as a director of a franchise consulting company before establishing Biz Rise Co., Ltd. in 2013. Currently, he provides a wide range of consulting services, including the conversion of corporate businesses into multiple stores (franchising), new business proposals for corporations and individuals, the realization of business concepts, and commercial facility renewal projects. The situations of companies and the ideas of their managers are diverse. While responding flexibly, I believe in a method of gradually approaching solutions to problems that are difficult to solve with a straightforward approach by using a "changing ball.

    東京都出身。小売り、サービス、飲食など、様々な業種のフランチャイズ本部にて、店舗運営スーパーバイザー、社員教育インストラクター、物件開発、店舗出店などを経験し、フランチャイズ本部立上げの責任者、フランチャイズコンサル会社の役員を経て、2013年に株式会社Biz Riseを設立。現在は、法人自社ビジネスの多店舗化(フランチャイズ化)、法人及び個人への新規事業提案、ビジネス構想の具現化、商業施設リニューアルプロジェクトなど幅広い相談に対応している。企業の状況や経営者の考えは多種多様です。臨機応変に対応しながら、直球では解決が困難なことを「変化球」を用いて徐々に解決に近づける手法を信条としています。