

    Learn more Not Available

    Brand Info.

    • Brand HistorySince 2008 (Machida Shoten)
    • Store LocationsJapan
    • Investment LevelASK


    One of the soupless ramen genres, Abura-Soba
    This soupless ramen has been in the making for eight years! A unique blend of pasta flour and other noodle flours has resulted in an original noodle that is rich in flavor and excellent in texture. Please enjoy the noodles by mixing them with Abura Soba’s secret sauce and a variety of ten seasoning mixes and condiments. Make your own mix your way. Lastly, enjoy finishing the bowl of noodles by adding a special chicken-base soup.

    この汁なしラーメンは8年前から作られているそうです パスタ粉と他の麺粉を独自にブレンドし、風味豊かで食感に優れたオリジナル麺を完成させました。油そば秘伝のタレや10種類の調味料ミックス、薬味と混ぜてお召し上がりください。自分流にミックスしてください。最後に、鶏がらベースの特製スープを加えて、〆の一杯をお楽しみください。

    Advantages etc

    More than 600 stores worldwide and the company approaches by various brands.
    Gift Holdings is now rapidly expanding both directly managed and produced stores. We have made many mistakes. But everything has been our food for thought. No matter how many more stores we open in the future, we are determined to create stores that will be loved by local residents for a long time. We have a goal for Gift Holidings. Beginning with the opening of stores in Los Angeles and New York, we are moving forward with our plans to bring Best Ramen (heirloom) to people all over the world. We aim to open 1,000 stores in Japan and 1,000 stores overseas, and we will accelerate our store openings by focusing more on human resource training.


    Contact Agent

    Hajime Kobayashi
    Hajime Kobayashi
    CEO from Biz Rise Co., Ltd.

    Born in Tokyo. After working as a store operations supervisor, employee training instructor, property developer, and store opener at franchisors in various industries such as retail, service, and food & beverage, he was in charge of setting up franchisors and served as a director of a franchise consulting company before establishing Biz Rise Co., Ltd. in 2013. Currently, he provides a wide range of consulting services, including the conversion of corporate businesses into multiple stores (franchising), new business proposals for corporations and individuals, the realization of business concepts, and commercial facility renewal projects. The situations of companies and the ideas of their managers are diverse. While responding flexibly, I believe in a method of gradually approaching solutions to problems that are difficult to solve with a straightforward approach by using a "changing ball.

    東京都出身。小売り、サービス、飲食など、様々な業種のフランチャイズ本部にて、店舗運営スーパーバイザー、社員教育インストラクター、物件開発、店舗出店などを経験し、フランチャイズ本部立上げの責任者、フランチャイズコンサル会社の役員を経て、2013年に株式会社Biz Riseを設立。現在は、法人自社ビジネスの多店舗化(フランチャイズ化)、法人及び個人への新規事業提案、ビジネス構想の具現化、商業施設リニューアルプロジェクトなど幅広い相談に対応している。企業の状況や経営者の考えは多種多様です。臨機応変に対応しながら、直球では解決が困難なことを「変化球」を用いて徐々に解決に近づける手法を信条としています。

    Japanese Red Hot Pot

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    Brand Info.

    • Brand HistorySince 2003
    • Store LocationsJapan
    • Investment LevelASK


    What is the AKAKARA RED HOT POT?
    AKAKARA RED HOT POT is a specialty dish that 80% of our customers order because of its addictive flavor with plenty of ingredients in our signature broth, which is a blend of 32 spices, including chili peppers, based on our characteristic miso paste, and is extremely spicy. Also there are 10 spicy levels, our customers challenge the higher next time until finding the right fit for myself.


    Advantages etc

    Popular as a stable business
    In the 20 years since the first store opened in 2003, the number of stores has expanded to approximately 250, and 85% of franchise owners operate multiple stores in this stable business.


    Contact Agent

    Hajime Kobayashi
    Hajime Kobayashi
    CEO from Biz Rise Co., Ltd.

    Born in Tokyo. After working as a store operations supervisor, employee training instructor, property developer, and store opener at franchisors in various industries such as retail, service, and food & beverage, he was in charge of setting up franchisors and served as a director of a franchise consulting company before establishing Biz Rise Co., Ltd. in 2013. Currently, he provides a wide range of consulting services, including the conversion of corporate businesses into multiple stores (franchising), new business proposals for corporations and individuals, the realization of business concepts, and commercial facility renewal projects. The situations of companies and the ideas of their managers are diverse. While responding flexibly, I believe in a method of gradually approaching solutions to problems that are difficult to solve with a straightforward approach by using a "changing ball.

    東京都出身。小売り、サービス、飲食など、様々な業種のフランチャイズ本部にて、店舗運営スーパーバイザー、社員教育インストラクター、物件開発、店舗出店などを経験し、フランチャイズ本部立上げの責任者、フランチャイズコンサル会社の役員を経て、2013年に株式会社Biz Riseを設立。現在は、法人自社ビジネスの多店舗化(フランチャイズ化)、法人及び個人への新規事業提案、ビジネス構想の具現化、商業施設リニューアルプロジェクトなど幅広い相談に対応している。企業の状況や経営者の考えは多種多様です。臨機応変に対応しながら、直球では解決が困難なことを「変化球」を用いて徐々に解決に近づける手法を信条としています。

    and people
    and people

    Learn more Not Available

    Brand Info.

    • Brand HistorySince 2010
    • Store LocationsJapan
    • Investment LevelASK


    An extraordinary space in the midst of everyday life
    We imagine a cozy space where you can forget about time, which we actually encountered after traveling around the world. The entire staff has created an extraordinary space filled with an exotic atmosphere. You will feel as if you are in some other country and have a comfortable time. The unique world view created by multiple candles, lights, and projection mapping is also a part of the experience.


    Advantages etc

    Different concepts for each restaurant
    and people's restaurants have different concepts for each restaurant. Each restaurant is a fantasy space with projection mapping and candles, a studio-like space with handmade interior and high ceilings, and a space that makes you feel as if you are in nature with light, wind, and greenery.


    Contact Agent

    Hajime Kobayashi
    Hajime Kobayashi
    CEO from Biz Rise Co., Ltd.

    Born in Tokyo. After working as a store operations supervisor, employee training instructor, property developer, and store opener at franchisors in various industries such as retail, service, and food & beverage, he was in charge of setting up franchisors and served as a director of a franchise consulting company before establishing Biz Rise Co., Ltd. in 2013. Currently, he provides a wide range of consulting services, including the conversion of corporate businesses into multiple stores (franchising), new business proposals for corporations and individuals, the realization of business concepts, and commercial facility renewal projects. The situations of companies and the ideas of their managers are diverse. While responding flexibly, I believe in a method of gradually approaching solutions to problems that are difficult to solve with a straightforward approach by using a "changing ball.

    東京都出身。小売り、サービス、飲食など、様々な業種のフランチャイズ本部にて、店舗運営スーパーバイザー、社員教育インストラクター、物件開発、店舗出店などを経験し、フランチャイズ本部立上げの責任者、フランチャイズコンサル会社の役員を経て、2013年に株式会社Biz Riseを設立。現在は、法人自社ビジネスの多店舗化(フランチャイズ化)、法人及び個人への新規事業提案、ビジネス構想の具現化、商業施設リニューアルプロジェクトなど幅広い相談に対応している。企業の状況や経営者の考えは多種多様です。臨機応変に対応しながら、直球では解決が困難なことを「変化球」を用いて徐々に解決に近づける手法を信条としています。

    Bariuma Ramen

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    Brand Info.

    • Brand HistorySince 1992
    • Store LocationsJapan, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia
    • Investment LevelASK


    "Addictive taste" is the key to our success
    "Bariuma Ramen" is tonkotsu (pork bone) syoyu (soy sauce) ramen with rich pork broth with soy sauce flavor in which the natural flavor of tonkotsu is well extracted. At the beginning, oour goal was to create a taste that no one had ever experienced and a store that no one had ever seen. So we traveled around the country and tried a variety of ramen to finally find out the answer: the tonkotsu shoyu ramen. It took a long time for us to successfully create a taste that is "so delicious and so addictive" with such a simple procedure that enables anyone to recreate the same taste of ramen. In order to attract a wide range of overseas customers, we have also created a chicken soup and a chicken gyoza with no pork ingredients.

    "クセになるおいしさ "が決め手
    "ばりうまラーメン "は、とんこつ本来の旨みをしっかりと引き出した醤油味の濃厚な豚骨醤油ラーメンです。当初、私たちが目指したのは、「誰も食べたことのない味」「誰も見たことのない店」でした。そのために全国を回り、さまざまなラーメンを食べて、ようやくたどり着いたのが「とんこつ醤油ラーメン」だったのです。誰でも同じ味のラーメンを再現できるような簡単な手順で、「こんなにおいしくて、こんなにやみつきになる」味を作り出すことに成功するまでには、長い時間がかかりました。また、海外のお客様にも広く楽しんでいただけるよう、豚の具材を使わない「鶏スープ」や「鶏餃子」も誕生しました。

    Advantages etc

    More than 70 stores worldwide
    Being attracted by the size and possibility of Sountheast Asian market, we opened two corporate-owned store in Singapore. Since then, we have opened 25 franchise stores in Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Macau, Australia and the Philippines. We are going to promote area franchise agreement with the aim to open another 100 stores in 5 years.


    Contact Agent

    Hajime Kobayashi
    Hajime Kobayashi
    CEO from Biz Rise Co., Ltd.

    Born in Tokyo. After working as a store operations supervisor, employee training instructor, property developer, and store opener at franchisors in various industries such as retail, service, and food & beverage, he was in charge of setting up franchisors and served as a director of a franchise consulting company before establishing Biz Rise Co., Ltd. in 2013. Currently, he provides a wide range of consulting services, including the conversion of corporate businesses into multiple stores (franchising), new business proposals for corporations and individuals, the realization of business concepts, and commercial facility renewal projects. The situations of companies and the ideas of their managers are diverse. While responding flexibly, I believe in a method of gradually approaching solutions to problems that are difficult to solve with a straightforward approach by using a "changing ball.

    東京都出身。小売り、サービス、飲食など、様々な業種のフランチャイズ本部にて、店舗運営スーパーバイザー、社員教育インストラクター、物件開発、店舗出店などを経験し、フランチャイズ本部立上げの責任者、フランチャイズコンサル会社の役員を経て、2013年に株式会社Biz Riseを設立。現在は、法人自社ビジネスの多店舗化(フランチャイズ化)、法人及び個人への新規事業提案、ビジネス構想の具現化、商業施設リニューアルプロジェクトなど幅広い相談に対応している。企業の状況や経営者の考えは多種多様です。臨機応変に対応しながら、直球では解決が困難なことを「変化球」を用いて徐々に解決に近づける手法を信条としています。


    Learn more Not Available

    Brand Info.

    • Brand HistorySince 2008 (Machida Shoten)
    • Store LocationsJapan
    • Investment LevelASK


    Great impact, a mountain of ramen
    Featuring a sweetened strong soy sauce base, topped with its famous juicy tender pork and a mountain of veggies, Ramen Butayama is the ultimate destination for pork ramen lovers. The rich soup is the culmination of endless hours of boiling pork lard and backfat. When infused with the homemade noodles, it gives a very satisfying taste. The mouthwatering juicy tender pork chashu is simmered for 5 hours, cooking it to the perfect meat taste. Butayama, meaning pork mountain, is the ultimate pork ramen crafted especially for pork lovers. Please enjoy the delicious ramen with super tender thick pork chashu and plenty of vegetables!


    Advantages etc

    More than 600 stores worldwide and the company approaches by various brands.
    Gift Holdings is now rapidly expanding both directly managed and produced stores. We have made many mistakes. But everything has been our food for thought. No matter how many more stores we open in the future, we are determined to create stores that will be loved by local residents for a long time. We have a goal for Gift Holidings. Beginning with the opening of stores in Los Angeles and New York, we are moving forward with our plans to bring Best Ramen (heirloom) to people all over the world. We aim to open 1,000 stores in Japan and 1,000 stores overseas, and we will accelerate our store openings by focusing more on human resource training.


    Contact Agent

    Hajime Kobayashi
    Hajime Kobayashi
    CEO from Biz Rise Co., Ltd.

    Born in Tokyo. After working as a store operations supervisor, employee training instructor, property developer, and store opener at franchisors in various industries such as retail, service, and food & beverage, he was in charge of setting up franchisors and served as a director of a franchise consulting company before establishing Biz Rise Co., Ltd. in 2013. Currently, he provides a wide range of consulting services, including the conversion of corporate businesses into multiple stores (franchising), new business proposals for corporations and individuals, the realization of business concepts, and commercial facility renewal projects. The situations of companies and the ideas of their managers are diverse. While responding flexibly, I believe in a method of gradually approaching solutions to problems that are difficult to solve with a straightforward approach by using a "changing ball.

    東京都出身。小売り、サービス、飲食など、様々な業種のフランチャイズ本部にて、店舗運営スーパーバイザー、社員教育インストラクター、物件開発、店舗出店などを経験し、フランチャイズ本部立上げの責任者、フランチャイズコンサル会社の役員を経て、2013年に株式会社Biz Riseを設立。現在は、法人自社ビジネスの多店舗化(フランチャイズ化)、法人及び個人への新規事業提案、ビジネス構想の具現化、商業施設リニューアルプロジェクトなど幅広い相談に対応している。企業の状況や経営者の考えは多種多様です。臨機応変に対応しながら、直球では解決が困難なことを「変化球」を用いて徐々に解決に近づける手法を信条としています。


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    Brand Info.

    • Brand HistorySince 2014
    • Store LocationsJapan, Malaysia and Thailand
    • Investment LevelASK


    More than 100 stores in Asia
    The originator is the "Yoshimuraya" at the west exit of Yokohama Station. The characteristic of Iekei ramen is thick noodles with a rich soup made with pork bone+chicken oil (chiyu) and soy sauce sauce. Another appeal is that you can choose the firmness of the noodles, the amount of oil, and the intensity of the flavor. The theory is that toppings are large seaweed or spinach. "Iekei ramen", which originated in Yokohama, is now experiencing an unprecedented boom that has surpassed the Tokyo metropolitan area and spread all over the country. Currently, there are approximately 100 stores.

    横浜駅西口の「吉村家」が元祖。家系ラーメンの特徴は、豚骨+鶏油+醤油ダレの濃厚なスープに太麺を合わせたもの。麺の硬さ、油の量、味の濃さを選べるのも魅力のひとつ。トッピングは大判の海苔やほうれん草というのがセオリーです。"家系ラーメン "は横浜発祥だが、今や首都圏を飛び越えて全国に広がる空前のブームとなっています。現在、店舗数は100店舗を超え、横濱家系最大級のチェーンブランドとなっています。

    Advantages etc

    Franchisor, Garden is a corporate revitalization specialist. The reason Garden Group began revitalizing the restaurant business was triggered by a corporate takeover in 2007. After that, we had the opportunity to acquire multiple companies and proceeded with the rebranding of the food and beverage business. Currently, the Garden Group owns more than 10 brands. These brands are not only directly owned by Garden Group, but also by a number of partner companies. Profitable restaurant franchise packages have garnered attention across Japan. We have cooperated with many partner companies to open new stores and continue to expand our business.


    Contact Agent

    Hajime Kobayashi
    Hajime Kobayashi
    CEO from Biz Rise Co., Ltd.

    Born in Tokyo. After working as a store operations supervisor, employee training instructor, property developer, and store opener at franchisors in various industries such as retail, service, and food & beverage, he was in charge of setting up franchisors and served as a director of a franchise consulting company before establishing Biz Rise Co., Ltd. in 2013. Currently, he provides a wide range of consulting services, including the conversion of corporate businesses into multiple stores (franchising), new business proposals for corporations and individuals, the realization of business concepts, and commercial facility renewal projects. The situations of companies and the ideas of their managers are diverse. While responding flexibly, I believe in a method of gradually approaching solutions to problems that are difficult to solve with a straightforward approach by using a "changing ball.

    東京都出身。小売り、サービス、飲食など、様々な業種のフランチャイズ本部にて、店舗運営スーパーバイザー、社員教育インストラクター、物件開発、店舗出店などを経験し、フランチャイズ本部立上げの責任者、フランチャイズコンサル会社の役員を経て、2013年に株式会社Biz Riseを設立。現在は、法人自社ビジネスの多店舗化(フランチャイズ化)、法人及び個人への新規事業提案、ビジネス構想の具現化、商業施設リニューアルプロジェクトなど幅広い相談に対応している。企業の状況や経営者の考えは多種多様です。臨機応変に対応しながら、直球では解決が困難なことを「変化球」を用いて徐々に解決に近づける手法を信条としています。


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    Brand Info.

    • Brand HistorySince 1955
    • Store LocationsJapan
    • Investment LevelASK


    Since 1955, more than 60 years
    Ichiryu was founded in 1955 in Hakata, Fukuoka. It was the first ramen shop among the stalls along the Nakagawa River. After that, Ichiryu opened its head office in Nakasu, and Ichiryu's noodles have captivated local ramen connoisseurs for many years. It now attracts customers from all over Japan and around the world. The Garden Group has successfully completed Ichiryu's franchise package. Ichiryu has established its brand as an authentic tonkotsu ramen shop in its 60-year history.


    Advantages etc

    Franchisor, Garden is a corporate revitalization specialist. The reason Garden Group began revitalizing the restaurant business was triggered by a corporate takeover in 2007. After that, we had the opportunity to acquire multiple companies and proceeded with the rebranding of the food and beverage business. Currently, the Garden Group owns more than 10 brands. These brands are not only directly owned by Garden Group, but also by a number of partner companies. Profitable restaurant franchise packages have garnered attention across Japan. We have cooperated with many partner companies to open new stores and continue to expand our business.


    Contact Agent

    Hajime Kobayashi
    Hajime Kobayashi
    CEO from Biz Rise Co., Ltd.

    Born in Tokyo. After working as a store operations supervisor, employee training instructor, property developer, and store opener at franchisors in various industries such as retail, service, and food & beverage, he was in charge of setting up franchisors and served as a director of a franchise consulting company before establishing Biz Rise Co., Ltd. in 2013. Currently, he provides a wide range of consulting services, including the conversion of corporate businesses into multiple stores (franchising), new business proposals for corporations and individuals, the realization of business concepts, and commercial facility renewal projects. The situations of companies and the ideas of their managers are diverse. While responding flexibly, I believe in a method of gradually approaching solutions to problems that are difficult to solve with a straightforward approach by using a "changing ball.

    東京都出身。小売り、サービス、飲食など、様々な業種のフランチャイズ本部にて、店舗運営スーパーバイザー、社員教育インストラクター、物件開発、店舗出店などを経験し、フランチャイズ本部立上げの責任者、フランチャイズコンサル会社の役員を経て、2013年に株式会社Biz Riseを設立。現在は、法人自社ビジネスの多店舗化(フランチャイズ化)、法人及び個人への新規事業提案、ビジネス構想の具現化、商業施設リニューアルプロジェクトなど幅広い相談に対応している。企業の状況や経営者の考えは多種多様です。臨機応変に対応しながら、直球では解決が困難なことを「変化球」を用いて徐々に解決に近づける手法を信条としています。


    Learn more Not Available

    Brand Info.

    • Brand HistorySince 2008
    • Store LocationsJapan, Thailand and USA (Partnership shop: China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia etc)
    • Investment LevelASK


    Yokohama style ramen with the best energy
    Machida Shoten is serving established Yokohama style Ramen to the world, with a Tonkotsu (Pork Broth) base with soy sauce flavor with chicken oil, homemade ramen noodles with spinach, dried seaweed, and pork chashu. Machida Shoten started in Japan back in 2008 to fulfill our goal to spread the Yokohama Style Ramen to the world. Since our establishment in 2008, we have refined the taste of our ramen so that once you try it, you will never forget it and will feel like eating it again. And we continue to focus on not only cooking delicious ramen, but also creating a memorable dining experience in the restaurant. We would like to serve the best ramen with the best energy, with a warm smile and deliver a blissful time to our valuable guests.


    Advantages etc

    More than 600 stores worldwide and the company approaches by various brands.
    Gift Holdings is now rapidly expanding both directly managed and produced stores. We have made many mistakes. But everything has been our food for thought. No matter how many more stores we open in the future, we are determined to create stores that will be loved by local residents for a long time. We have a goal for Gift Holidings. Beginning with the opening of stores in Los Angeles and New York, we are moving forward with our plans to bring Best Ramen (heirloom) to people all over the world. We aim to open 1,000 stores in Japan and 1,000 stores overseas, and we will accelerate our store openings by focusing more on human resource training.


    Contact Agent

    Hajime Kobayashi
    Hajime Kobayashi
    CEO from Biz Rise Co., Ltd.

    Born in Tokyo. After working as a store operations supervisor, employee training instructor, property developer, and store opener at franchisors in various industries such as retail, service, and food & beverage, he was in charge of setting up franchisors and served as a director of a franchise consulting company before establishing Biz Rise Co., Ltd. in 2013. Currently, he provides a wide range of consulting services, including the conversion of corporate businesses into multiple stores (franchising), new business proposals for corporations and individuals, the realization of business concepts, and commercial facility renewal projects. The situations of companies and the ideas of their managers are diverse. While responding flexibly, I believe in a method of gradually approaching solutions to problems that are difficult to solve with a straightforward approach by using a "changing ball.

    東京都出身。小売り、サービス、飲食など、様々な業種のフランチャイズ本部にて、店舗運営スーパーバイザー、社員教育インストラクター、物件開発、店舗出店などを経験し、フランチャイズ本部立上げの責任者、フランチャイズコンサル会社の役員を経て、2013年に株式会社Biz Riseを設立。現在は、法人自社ビジネスの多店舗化(フランチャイズ化)、法人及び個人への新規事業提案、ビジネス構想の具現化、商業施設リニューアルプロジェクトなど幅広い相談に対応している。企業の状況や経営者の考えは多種多様です。臨機応変に対応しながら、直球では解決が困難なことを「変化球」を用いて徐々に解決に近づける手法を信条としています。

    Motoya Espresso Express

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    Brand Info.

    • Brand HistorySince 1996
    • Store LocationsJapan (catering service: worldwide)
    • Investment LevelASK


    Motoya Express is the most unique cafe business with a variety of store styles, and “Small Food Truck”, which is one of them, offers high quality coffee that exceeds the size of the store. Its quality was praised all over the world, and the CEO graced the cover of the media brand “MONOCLE MAGAZINE” (world affairs and lifestyle magazine).

    Coffee beans
    We have carefully selected high quality brands that are 100% Arabica varieties.

    Production method
    By washing with water in-house just before roasting, the coffee has a clean aftertaste that is less unpleasant and does not put a burden on the body.

    The special combustion temperature and air volume are adjusted in a timely manner to create beautiful beans.

    Chilled beans are blended with a unique formula. It provides a high quality “taste.”

    モトヤエクスプレスは、様々な店舗スタイルを持つ最もユニークなカフェ業態で、その中の一つである「Small Food Truck」は、店舗規模を超えた高品質なコーヒーを提供しています。そのクオリティは世界中から賞賛され、メディアブランド「MONOCLE MAGAZINE」(世界情勢・ライフスタイル誌)の表紙をCEOが飾りました。




    チルド豆を独自の配合でブレンド。上質な "味"を提供します。

    Advantages etc

    Customer Satisfaction
    1) The CEO graced the cover of “MONOCLE MAGAZINE,” and its quality has been praised all over the world.

    2) We have a lot of experience as a catering service for famous directors and actors at filming locations for TV shows and movies.

    1) I was nominated as a candidate for the “2019 GO GLOBAL AWARDS” hosted by the International Trade Association (ITC).

    4) As a result of a questionnaire (implementation test) targeting 2,000 people working for global healthcare companies, 99.3% of customers answered “satisfied.”

    1) CEOが「MONOCLE MAGAZINE」の表紙を飾り、その品質は世界中から絶賛されています。

    2) テレビ番組や映画の撮影現場で、有名監督や俳優のケータリングサービスとして多くの実績があります。

    1)国際貿易協会(ITC)主催の「2019 GO GLOBAL AWARDS」の候補にノミネートされました。

    4)グローバルヘルスケア企業に勤務する2,000名を対象にしたアンケート(実施テスト)の結果、99.3%のお客様が "満足 "と回答しました。

    Contact Agent

    Hajime Kobayashi
    Hajime Kobayashi
    CEO from Biz Rise Co., Ltd.

    Born in Tokyo. After working as a store operations supervisor, employee training instructor, property developer, and store opener at franchisors in various industries such as retail, service, and food & beverage, he was in charge of setting up franchisors and served as a director of a franchise consulting company before establishing Biz Rise Co., Ltd. in 2013. Currently, he provides a wide range of consulting services, including the conversion of corporate businesses into multiple stores (franchising), new business proposals for corporations and individuals, the realization of business concepts, and commercial facility renewal projects. The situations of companies and the ideas of their managers are diverse. While responding flexibly, I believe in a method of gradually approaching solutions to problems that are difficult to solve with a straightforward approach by using a "changing ball.

    東京都出身。小売り、サービス、飲食など、様々な業種のフランチャイズ本部にて、店舗運営スーパーバイザー、社員教育インストラクター、物件開発、店舗出店などを経験し、フランチャイズ本部立上げの責任者、フランチャイズコンサル会社の役員を経て、2013年に株式会社Biz Riseを設立。現在は、法人自社ビジネスの多店舗化(フランチャイズ化)、法人及び個人への新規事業提案、ビジネス構想の具現化、商業施設リニューアルプロジェクトなど幅広い相談に対応している。企業の状況や経営者の考えは多種多様です。臨機応変に対応しながら、直球では解決が困難なことを「変化球」を用いて徐々に解決に近づける手法を信条としています。

    Various meat dish

    Not Available Learn more

    Brand Info.

    • Brand HistorySince 2010
    • Store LocationsJapan
    • Investment LevelASK



    Advantages etc


    Contact Agent

    Hajime Kobayashi
    Hajime Kobayashi
    CEO from Biz Rise Co., Ltd.

    Born in Tokyo. After working as a store operations supervisor, employee training instructor, property developer, and store opener at franchisors in various industries such as retail, service, and food & beverage, he was in charge of setting up franchisors and served as a director of a franchise consulting company before establishing Biz Rise Co., Ltd. in 2013. Currently, he provides a wide range of consulting services, including the conversion of corporate businesses into multiple stores (franchising), new business proposals for corporations and individuals, the realization of business concepts, and commercial facility renewal projects. The situations of companies and the ideas of their managers are diverse. While responding flexibly, I believe in a method of gradually approaching solutions to problems that are difficult to solve with a straightforward approach by using a "changing ball.

    東京都出身。小売り、サービス、飲食など、様々な業種のフランチャイズ本部にて、店舗運営スーパーバイザー、社員教育インストラクター、物件開発、店舗出店などを経験し、フランチャイズ本部立上げの責任者、フランチャイズコンサル会社の役員を経て、2013年に株式会社Biz Riseを設立。現在は、法人自社ビジネスの多店舗化(フランチャイズ化)、法人及び個人への新規事業提案、ビジネス構想の具現化、商業施設リニューアルプロジェクトなど幅広い相談に対応している。企業の状況や経営者の考えは多種多様です。臨機応変に対応しながら、直球では解決が困難なことを「変化球」を用いて徐々に解決に近づける手法を信条としています。

    Japanese Pasta

    Not Available Learn more

    Brand Info.

    • Brand HistorySince 2009
    • Store LocationsJapan
    • Investment LevelASK






    Advantages etc





    Contact Agent

    Hajime Kobayashi
    Hajime Kobayashi
    CEO from Biz Rise Co., Ltd.

    Born in Tokyo. After working as a store operations supervisor, employee training instructor, property developer, and store opener at franchisors in various industries such as retail, service, and food & beverage, he was in charge of setting up franchisors and served as a director of a franchise consulting company before establishing Biz Rise Co., Ltd. in 2013. Currently, he provides a wide range of consulting services, including the conversion of corporate businesses into multiple stores (franchising), new business proposals for corporations and individuals, the realization of business concepts, and commercial facility renewal projects. The situations of companies and the ideas of their managers are diverse. While responding flexibly, I believe in a method of gradually approaching solutions to problems that are difficult to solve with a straightforward approach by using a "changing ball.

    東京都出身。小売り、サービス、飲食など、様々な業種のフランチャイズ本部にて、店舗運営スーパーバイザー、社員教育インストラクター、物件開発、店舗出店などを経験し、フランチャイズ本部立上げの責任者、フランチャイズコンサル会社の役員を経て、2013年に株式会社Biz Riseを設立。現在は、法人自社ビジネスの多店舗化(フランチャイズ化)、法人及び個人への新規事業提案、ビジネス構想の具現化、商業施設リニューアルプロジェクトなど幅広い相談に対応している。企業の状況や経営者の考えは多種多様です。臨機応変に対応しながら、直球では解決が困難なことを「変化球」を用いて徐々に解決に近づける手法を信条としています。

    Tendon Kohaku

    Learn more Learn more

    Brand Info.

    • Brand HistorySince 2016
    • Store LocationsJapan, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia and Canada
    • Investment LevelASK


    TENDON is popular among various generations as Japanese Traditional Dish. It has recently been gaining popularity around the world, is a healthy bowl topped with tasty and beautiful tempura. However, the number of stores serving TENDON is not enough when taking the global popularity into account. KOHAKU will continue to promote Japanese TENDON culture to the world.


    Advantages etc

    Surprisingly, the first branch of KOHAKU opened in Singapore, not Japan. Because with the world in its view and aimed for Asia at first. Not uncommon even if TENDON restaurant opens in Japan, the strategy of KOHAKU was just to let accept TENDON culture to overseas. For that, KOHAKU continued to research and collect data required to extend out to the rest of the world. As result that, shortly after the opening in Singapore became a popular restaurant where people line up to eat TENDON.

    The name "KOHAKU" means "Amber" and like an amber gem shining mysterious with plant inclusions, fresh ingredients are dipped in the golden batter and fried to an amber perfection to satisfy their customer’s palates. Also KOHAKU releases seasonal menu that updated once every 3 months with the basic quality.

    Mouth-watering "Crispy Batter"

    "Two kinds of sauces" keeps customers coming back for more

    "Hand-picked ingredients (Shrimp, Vegetables etc)"

    "Hand-picked rice from Japan"

    "Hand-picked oil (Originally blended oil)"








    Contact Agent

    Hajime Kobayashi
    Hajime Kobayashi
    CEO from Biz Rise Co., Ltd.

    Born in Tokyo. After working as a store operations supervisor, employee training instructor, property developer, and store opener at franchisors in various industries such as retail, service, and food & beverage, he was in charge of setting up franchisors and served as a director of a franchise consulting company before establishing Biz Rise Co., Ltd. in 2013. Currently, he provides a wide range of consulting services, including the conversion of corporate businesses into multiple stores (franchising), new business proposals for corporations and individuals, the realization of business concepts, and commercial facility renewal projects. The situations of companies and the ideas of their managers are diverse. While responding flexibly, I believe in a method of gradually approaching solutions to problems that are difficult to solve with a straightforward approach by using a "changing ball.

    東京都出身。小売り、サービス、飲食など、様々な業種のフランチャイズ本部にて、店舗運営スーパーバイザー、社員教育インストラクター、物件開発、店舗出店などを経験し、フランチャイズ本部立上げの責任者、フランチャイズコンサル会社の役員を経て、2013年に株式会社Biz Riseを設立。現在は、法人自社ビジネスの多店舗化(フランチャイズ化)、法人及び個人への新規事業提案、ビジネス構想の具現化、商業施設リニューアルプロジェクトなど幅広い相談に対応している。企業の状況や経営者の考えは多種多様です。臨機応変に対応しながら、直球では解決が困難なことを「変化球」を用いて徐々に解決に近づける手法を信条としています。


    Not Available Learn more

    Brand Info.

    • Brand HistorySince 2014
    • Store LocationsJapan
    • Investment LevelASK



    Advantages etc



    Contact Agent

    Hajime Kobayashi
    Hajime Kobayashi
    CEO from Biz Rise Co., Ltd.

    Born in Tokyo. After working as a store operations supervisor, employee training instructor, property developer, and store opener at franchisors in various industries such as retail, service, and food & beverage, he was in charge of setting up franchisors and served as a director of a franchise consulting company before establishing Biz Rise Co., Ltd. in 2013. Currently, he provides a wide range of consulting services, including the conversion of corporate businesses into multiple stores (franchising), new business proposals for corporations and individuals, the realization of business concepts, and commercial facility renewal projects. The situations of companies and the ideas of their managers are diverse. While responding flexibly, I believe in a method of gradually approaching solutions to problems that are difficult to solve with a straightforward approach by using a "changing ball.

    東京都出身。小売り、サービス、飲食など、様々な業種のフランチャイズ本部にて、店舗運営スーパーバイザー、社員教育インストラクター、物件開発、店舗出店などを経験し、フランチャイズ本部立上げの責任者、フランチャイズコンサル会社の役員を経て、2013年に株式会社Biz Riseを設立。現在は、法人自社ビジネスの多店舗化(フランチャイズ化)、法人及び個人への新規事業提案、ビジネス構想の具現化、商業施設リニューアルプロジェクトなど幅広い相談に対応している。企業の状況や経営者の考えは多種多様です。臨機応変に対応しながら、直球では解決が困難なことを「変化球」を用いて徐々に解決に近づける手法を信条としています。

    Yakiniku Futago
    Yakiniku(Japanese BBQ)

    Learn more Learn more

    Brand Info.

    • Brand HistorySince 2010
    • Store LocationsJapan, Hong Kong and United States
    • Investment LevelASK


    Most unique concept
    Your server grills and gives meats for best condition, for that be able to eat meats at best, get a knowledge about meat, enjoy with conversation and more, getting repeaters will be available by these effectiveness. As a result, FUTAGO became one of the big restaurant chains and expanded overseas such as NYC and HK.


    Advantages etc

    Be satisfied with the reservation limited menu
    The Ribroast Part of the Black Wagyu Kalbi that’s cut into steak size called “HAMIDERU KALBI". This meat contains around 8oz. per serving and recommended is with Sangchu lettuce. This item amongst customers and could only be obtained through reservations.It’s one of the reason to get repeaters.

    MICHELIN also praised
    During the popular lunch, only a small but divine selection of ramen is available, accompanied by a rich tonkotsu broth. The thing that sets a meal apart at this Japanese jewel is the stunning beef quality – cuts like black Wagyu or Hamideru kalbi are fantastically creamy, bold in meaty flavors and rich with fatty notes (MICHELIN GUIDE NYC 2017)."FUTAGO" means twins in Japanese by the way.

    1. 厳選牛を量半分値段半分でご提供

    2. 料理の提供はお口まで

    3. 焼肉はご褒美食ではなく日常食

    4. 新鮮絶品ホルモンで「お客様リピーター率120%」

    5. 名物黒毛和牛のはみ出るカルビ

    6. お肉を五感で楽しむ

    Contact Agent

    Hajime Kobayashi
    Hajime Kobayashi
    CEO from Biz Rise Co., Ltd.

    Born in Tokyo. After working as a store operations supervisor, employee training instructor, property developer, and store opener at franchisors in various industries such as retail, service, and food & beverage, he was in charge of setting up franchisors and served as a director of a franchise consulting company before establishing Biz Rise Co., Ltd. in 2013. Currently, he provides a wide range of consulting services, including the conversion of corporate businesses into multiple stores (franchising), new business proposals for corporations and individuals, the realization of business concepts, and commercial facility renewal projects. The situations of companies and the ideas of their managers are diverse. While responding flexibly, I believe in a method of gradually approaching solutions to problems that are difficult to solve with a straightforward approach by using a "changing ball.

    東京都出身。小売り、サービス、飲食など、様々な業種のフランチャイズ本部にて、店舗運営スーパーバイザー、社員教育インストラクター、物件開発、店舗出店などを経験し、フランチャイズ本部立上げの責任者、フランチャイズコンサル会社の役員を経て、2013年に株式会社Biz Riseを設立。現在は、法人自社ビジネスの多店舗化(フランチャイズ化)、法人及び個人への新規事業提案、ビジネス構想の具現化、商業施設リニューアルプロジェクトなど幅広い相談に対応している。企業の状況や経営者の考えは多種多様です。臨機応変に対応しながら、直球では解決が困難なことを「変化球」を用いて徐々に解決に近づける手法を信条としています。

    Hajime Kobayashi
    Hajime Kobayashi
    CEO from Biz Rise Co., Ltd.

    Born in Tokyo. After working as a store operations supervisor, employee training instructor, property developer, and store opener at franchisors in various industries such as retail, service, and food & beverage, he was in charge of setting up franchisors and served as a director of a franchise consulting company before establishing Biz Rise Co., Ltd. in 2013. Currently, he provides a wide range of consulting services, including the conversion of corporate businesses into multiple stores (franchising), new business proposals for corporations and individuals, the realization of business concepts, and commercial facility renewal projects. The situations of companies and the ideas of their managers are diverse. While responding flexibly, I believe in a method of gradually approaching solutions to problems that are difficult to solve with a straightforward approach by using a "changing ball.

    東京都出身。小売り、サービス、飲食など、様々な業種のフランチャイズ本部にて、店舗運営スーパーバイザー、社員教育インストラクター、物件開発、店舗出店などを経験し、フランチャイズ本部立上げの責任者、フランチャイズコンサル会社の役員を経て、2013年に株式会社Biz Riseを設立。現在は、法人自社ビジネスの多店舗化(フランチャイズ化)、法人及び個人への新規事業提案、ビジネス構想の具現化、商業施設リニューアルプロジェクトなど幅広い相談に対応している。企業の状況や経営者の考えは多種多様です。臨機応変に対応しながら、直球では解決が困難なことを「変化球」を用いて徐々に解決に近づける手法を信条としています。