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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2008 (Machida Shoten)
- Store LocationsJapan
- Investment LevelASK
One of the soupless ramen genres, Abura-Soba
This soupless ramen has been in the making for eight years! A unique blend of pasta flour and other noodle flours has resulted in an original noodle that is rich in flavor and excellent in texture. Please enjoy the noodles by mixing them with Abura Soba’s secret sauce and a variety of ten seasoning mixes and condiments. Make your own mix your way. Lastly, enjoy finishing the bowl of noodles by adding a special chicken-base soup.汁なしラーメンのジャンルの一つ、油そば
この汁なしラーメンは8年前から作られているそうです パスタ粉と他の麺粉を独自にブレンドし、風味豊かで食感に優れたオリジナル麺を完成させました。油そば秘伝のタレや10種類の調味料ミックス、薬味と混ぜてお召し上がりください。自分流にミックスしてください。最後に、鶏がらベースの特製スープを加えて、〆の一杯をお楽しみください。Advantages etc
More than 600 stores worldwide and the company approaches by various brands.
Gift Holdings is now rapidly expanding both directly managed and produced stores. We have made many mistakes. But everything has been our food for thought. No matter how many more stores we open in the future, we are determined to create stores that will be loved by local residents for a long time. We have a goal for Gift Holidings. Beginning with the opening of stores in Los Angeles and New York, we are moving forward with our plans to bring Best Ramen (heirloom) to people all over the world. We aim to open 1,000 stores in Japan and 1,000 stores overseas, and we will accelerate our store openings by focusing more on human resource training.全世界で600店舗以上、様々なブランドでアプローチ。
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Ace International
HardwareAce International
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 1924
- Store Locations70 countries, more than 5,600 stores
- Investment LevelASK
As the largest home improvement franchise company in the world, Ace International Holdings has over 5,600 stores in approximately 70 countries.
Each day, we are committed to providing helpful and superior customer satisfaction in the communities we serve, revolutionizing the independent segment of our industry and being the #1 hardware distributor in the convenience hardware industry. We're dedicated to being the best provider of products, services and operating methods to convenience hardware retailers.世界最大のホームセンター・フランチャイズ企業として、エース・インターナショナル・ホールディングスは、約70カ国に5,600以上の店舗を展開しています。
私たちは日々、サービスを提供する地域社会で、役に立つ優れた顧客満足を提供し、業界の独立部門に革命を起こし、コンビニエンス・ハードウェア業界でナンバーワンのハードウェア販売業者となることに尽力しています。私たちは、コンビニエンス・ハードウェアの小売業者に対して、製品、サービス、運営方法を提供する最高のプロバイダーとなることに専念しています。Advantages etc
Ace continues to grow every day! International retailers look to Ace for the entrepreneurial elements that help them succeed, including:
Brand Recognition:
ACE – “The Helpful Place” – is one of the top 100 most recognized brands in the world.
Operational Flexibility:
A library of operational support is there when you need it, along with the flexibility you need to run your Ace business your way.
Market Exclusivity:
When you run your operation as a distributorship, franchise or dealership, know that you are protected by market exclusivity.
Global Distribution Network:
Ace has warehouses in the United States, China, Panama and Dubai, and freight-forwarding operations, paint manufacturing facilities, freight consolidation and distribution capabilities worldwide.エースは日々成長を続けています 国際的な小売業者は、エースに、以下のような成功に役立つ起業家的要素を求めています。エースは日々成長を続けています 国際的な小売業者は、エースに、以下のような成功に役立つ起業家的要素を求めています。
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Japanese Red Hot Pot赤から
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2003
- Store LocationsJapan
- Investment LevelASK
AKAKARA RED HOT POT is a specialty dish that 80% of our customers order because of its addictive flavor with plenty of ingredients in our signature broth, which is a blend of 32 spices, including chili peppers, based on our characteristic miso paste, and is extremely spicy. Also there are 10 spicy levels, our customers challenge the higher next time until finding the right fit for myself.赤から鍋とは?
赤から鍋は、当店の特徴である味噌をベースに唐辛子など32種類のスパイスをブレンドした自慢のスープに、たっぷりの具材が入ったクセになる味で、お客様の8割が注文する名物料理で、非常に辛く仕上がっています。また、辛さは10段階あり、お客様は自分に合う辛さを見つけるまで、次はより高い辛さに挑戦しています。Advantages etc
Popular as a stable business
In the 20 years since the first store opened in 2003, the number of stores has expanded to approximately 250, and 85% of franchise owners operate multiple stores in this stable business.安定したビジネスとして人気
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and people
Cafe/Diningand people
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2010
- Store LocationsJapan
- Investment LevelASK
An extraordinary space in the midst of everyday life
We imagine a cozy space where you can forget about time, which we actually encountered after traveling around the world. The entire staff has created an extraordinary space filled with an exotic atmosphere. You will feel as if you are in some other country and have a comfortable time. The unique world view created by multiple candles, lights, and projection mapping is also a part of the experience.日常の中にある非日常の空間
世界中を旅して実際に出会った、時間を忘れられる居心地の良い空間をイメージしています。スタッフ全員で作り上げた、異国情緒あふれる非日常空間。まるでどこかの国にいるような、心地よい時間をお過ごしいただけます。複数のキャンドルや照明、プロジェクションマッピングが作り出す独特の世界観も魅力です。Advantages etc
Different concepts for each restaurant
and people's restaurants have different concepts for each restaurant. Each restaurant is a fantasy space with projection mapping and candles, a studio-like space with handmade interior and high ceilings, and a space that makes you feel as if you are in nature with light, wind, and greenery.レストランごとに異なるコンセプト
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Bariuma Ramen
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 1992
- Store LocationsJapan, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia
- Investment LevelASK
"Addictive taste" is the key to our success
"Bariuma Ramen" is tonkotsu (pork bone) syoyu (soy sauce) ramen with rich pork broth with soy sauce flavor in which the natural flavor of tonkotsu is well extracted. At the beginning, oour goal was to create a taste that no one had ever experienced and a store that no one had ever seen. So we traveled around the country and tried a variety of ramen to finally find out the answer: the tonkotsu shoyu ramen. It took a long time for us to successfully create a taste that is "so delicious and so addictive" with such a simple procedure that enables anyone to recreate the same taste of ramen. In order to attract a wide range of overseas customers, we have also created a chicken soup and a chicken gyoza with no pork ingredients."クセになるおいしさ "が決め手
"ばりうまラーメン "は、とんこつ本来の旨みをしっかりと引き出した醤油味の濃厚な豚骨醤油ラーメンです。当初、私たちが目指したのは、「誰も食べたことのない味」「誰も見たことのない店」でした。そのために全国を回り、さまざまなラーメンを食べて、ようやくたどり着いたのが「とんこつ醤油ラーメン」だったのです。誰でも同じ味のラーメンを再現できるような簡単な手順で、「こんなにおいしくて、こんなにやみつきになる」味を作り出すことに成功するまでには、長い時間がかかりました。また、海外のお客様にも広く楽しんでいただけるよう、豚の具材を使わない「鶏スープ」や「鶏餃子」も誕生しました。Advantages etc
More than 70 stores worldwide
Being attracted by the size and possibility of Sountheast Asian market, we opened two corporate-owned store in Singapore. Since then, we have opened 25 franchise stores in Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Macau, Australia and the Philippines. We are going to promote area franchise agreement with the aim to open another 100 stores in 5 years.全世界で70店舗以上を展開
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2008 (Machida Shoten)
- Store LocationsJapan
- Investment LevelASK
Great impact, a mountain of ramen
Featuring a sweetened strong soy sauce base, topped with its famous juicy tender pork and a mountain of veggies, Ramen Butayama is the ultimate destination for pork ramen lovers. The rich soup is the culmination of endless hours of boiling pork lard and backfat. When infused with the homemade noodles, it gives a very satisfying taste. The mouthwatering juicy tender pork chashu is simmered for 5 hours, cooking it to the perfect meat taste. Butayama, meaning pork mountain, is the ultimate pork ramen crafted especially for pork lovers. Please enjoy the delicious ramen with super tender thick pork chashu and plenty of vegetables!インパクト大、山盛りのラーメン
甘めの濃い目の醤油味をベースに、ジューシーで柔らかい自慢の豚肉とたっぷりの野菜がのった、豚骨ラーメン好きにはたまらない一杯です。豚の脂身を長時間煮込んだ濃厚なスープは、自家製麺と相性抜群。それが自家製麺に絡むと、とても満足感のある味わいになる。5時間かけて煮込んだチャーシューはジューシーで柔らかく、肉の旨みが凝縮されている。豚山は、豚肉好きのために作られた究極の豚骨ラーメンです。超柔らかい分厚いチャーシューとたっぷりの野菜が入った美味しいラーメンを是非ご賞味ください。Advantages etc
More than 600 stores worldwide and the company approaches by various brands.
Gift Holdings is now rapidly expanding both directly managed and produced stores. We have made many mistakes. But everything has been our food for thought. No matter how many more stores we open in the future, we are determined to create stores that will be loved by local residents for a long time. We have a goal for Gift Holidings. Beginning with the opening of stores in Los Angeles and New York, we are moving forward with our plans to bring Best Ramen (heirloom) to people all over the world. We aim to open 1,000 stores in Japan and 1,000 stores overseas, and we will accelerate our store openings by focusing more on human resource training.全世界で600店舗以上、様々なブランドでアプローチ。
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COCA Restaurant
Thai FoodCOCA Restaurant
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 1957
- Store Locations14 countries, more than 60 stores
- Investment LevelASK
Time changes but we, COCA will never change The origin of Thai Suki The place to dine out with Friends…and family Over 60 outlets in more than 14 countries within COCA Restaurants Group. We offer not only Thai Suki but also authentic Cantonese dishes It all started in 1957 at COCA Surawong keeping our core philosophy: ‘every dish must start with the freshest ingredients. Cooking with love and passion will shine through in the food’.
With over 62 years of experience in successful food service operations as a pioneer of hot pot, COCA’s commitment to quality, satisfaction and customer service, has attributed to its long-standing success. From a 20-seat restaurant, COCA’s food service business has now grown into a renowned international company.
Being Thailand’s most innovative and long-established culinary brands, Today’s Coca Restaurant menu is greatly expanded from the original concept, covering an impressive variety of high quality, nutritional Thai and Chinese a-la-carte dishes, seafood and the signature hotpot with a variety of broths. With friendly and feel-good atmosphere, COCA restaurant is recognized as one of the best family gathering restaurants.タイスキの原点 友達と、家族と、食事をする場所 COCAレストランツグループは、世界14カ国、60店舗以上を展開しています。1957年、COCAスラウォン店で、「すべての料理は新鮮な素材から」という基本理念を掲げ、タイスキだけでなく本格的な広東料理も提供しています。愛と情熱のある料理は、料理の中で輝きを放ちます。
タイで最も革新的な老舗料理ブランドであるCOCAレストランのメニューは、当初のコンセプトから大幅に拡大し、高品質で栄養価の高いタイ料理や中華料理のアラカルト、シーフード、さまざまなスープを使った特製鍋など、バラエティに富んだメニューを取り揃えています。親しみやすい雰囲気のCOCAレストランは、家族が集う最高のレストランの一つとして認識されています。Advantages etc
COCA’s Core Brand Values:
・Freshness, “hand-selected” delicacies
・Cantonese cuisine with signature hot-pot
・Premium and quality material
・Consistent taste
・Simple, lively & healthy
・Just like your home Hospitality
COCA Mission
・“To be an innovative and leading international chain of restaurants, serving quality Thai and Asian Cuisine with a warm ambience and excellent service.”
COCA Restaurant Vision
・“Deliver what we promise” by delivering quality cuisine that uses the freshest and best quality ingredients available complimented with appealing plate presentations.
・Provide an atmosphere that is simple and lively with modern décor and interiors, and provide service that continually exceeds the customers’ expectations.COCAのコア・ブランド・バリュー。
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Gachagacha no Mori
Capsule Toyガチャガチャの森
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2014
- Store LocationsJapan
- Investment LevelASK
GACHA GACHA NO MORI is a capsule toy specialty store that focuses on creating a space to enjoy GACHA GACHA with an overwhelming lineup of products, targeting adult women. It is gaining popularity as a store of great interest these days. The store offers hundreds of inexpensive, high-quality capsule toy products, from the latest sundries to popular series, and allows customers to rediscover the appeal of GACHA-GACHA.
Advantages etc
A concept-type specialty store that has completely changed its image for children
GACHA-GACHA-NO-MORI is a specialty store that offers a wide variety of products and places importance on creating a space for the enjoyment of GACHA-GACHA, with adult women as its main target. GACHA-GACHA-NO-MORI stores are not just empty spaces, but spaces set up for GACHA-GACHA. Each store has hundreds of capsule toy machines. The capsule toy machines lined up in a narrow space are not only overwhelming, but at the same time, they are as expansive as a forest. Visitors can enjoy the "spirit of exploration" that makes them want to explore the maze-like forest and the "excitement" of not knowing what they will find. That is the greatest feature of the Gachagacha Forest. In addition, our resident staff can respond immediately to any problems that may arise, providing the "sense of security" and attentive service that only a specialty store can offer. The word "forest of GACHA-GACHA" is a combination of "inquisitiveness," "excitement," and "peace of mind. We hope you will enjoy the world of GACHA GACHA NO MORI as a capsule toy specialty store.子供向けのイメージをガラリと変えたコンセプト型の専門店
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- Brand HistorySince 2014
- Store LocationsJapan, Malaysia and Thailand
- Investment LevelASK
More than 100 stores in Asia
The originator is the "Yoshimuraya" at the west exit of Yokohama Station. The characteristic of Iekei ramen is thick noodles with a rich soup made with pork bone+chicken oil (chiyu) and soy sauce sauce. Another appeal is that you can choose the firmness of the noodles, the amount of oil, and the intensity of the flavor. The theory is that toppings are large seaweed or spinach. "Iekei ramen", which originated in Yokohama, is now experiencing an unprecedented boom that has surpassed the Tokyo metropolitan area and spread all over the country. Currently, there are approximately 100 stores.国内横濱家系最大級のチェーンブランド
横浜駅西口の「吉村家」が元祖。家系ラーメンの特徴は、豚骨+鶏油+醤油ダレの濃厚なスープに太麺を合わせたもの。麺の硬さ、油の量、味の濃さを選べるのも魅力のひとつ。トッピングは大判の海苔やほうれん草というのがセオリーです。"家系ラーメン "は横浜発祥だが、今や首都圏を飛び越えて全国に広がる空前のブームとなっています。現在、店舗数は100店舗を超え、横濱家系最大級のチェーンブランドとなっています。Advantages etc
Franchisor, Garden is a corporate revitalization specialist. The reason Garden Group began revitalizing the restaurant business was triggered by a corporate takeover in 2007. After that, we had the opportunity to acquire multiple companies and proceeded with the rebranding of the food and beverage business. Currently, the Garden Group owns more than 10 brands. These brands are not only directly owned by Garden Group, but also by a number of partner companies. Profitable restaurant franchise packages have garnered attention across Japan. We have cooperated with many partner companies to open new stores and continue to expand our business.
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 1955
- Store LocationsJapan
- Investment LevelASK
Since 1955, more than 60 years
Ichiryu was founded in 1955 in Hakata, Fukuoka. It was the first ramen shop among the stalls along the Nakagawa River. After that, Ichiryu opened its head office in Nakasu, and Ichiryu's noodles have captivated local ramen connoisseurs for many years. It now attracts customers from all over Japan and around the world. The Garden Group has successfully completed Ichiryu's franchise package. Ichiryu has established its brand as an authentic tonkotsu ramen shop in its 60-year history.1955年の創業以来、60余年
一竜は1955年、福岡・博多で創業しました。那珂川沿いの屋台の中で最初にできたラーメン店でした。その後、中洲に本店を構え、一竜の麺は長年にわたり地元のラーメン通を虜にしてきました。今では日本全国、そして世界中のお客様を魅了しています。このたび、ガーデングループは、一竜のフランチャイズパッケージを完成させました。一竜は60年の歴史の中で、本格的な豚骨ラーメン店としてのブランドを確立してきました。Advantages etc
Franchisor, Garden is a corporate revitalization specialist. The reason Garden Group began revitalizing the restaurant business was triggered by a corporate takeover in 2007. After that, we had the opportunity to acquire multiple companies and proceeded with the rebranding of the food and beverage business. Currently, the Garden Group owns more than 10 brands. These brands are not only directly owned by Garden Group, but also by a number of partner companies. Profitable restaurant franchise packages have garnered attention across Japan. We have cooperated with many partner companies to open new stores and continue to expand our business.
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International Canadian Academy
Bilingual EducationInternational Canadian Academy
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2000
- Store LocationsNorth Americas, South Americas
- Investment LevelASK
Canada has a long and successful story of quality and bilingual education. Canadian students are among the highest achievers in international tests.
The International Canadian Academy (ICA) provides schools with a high-standard and forward-looking bilingual model based on Canadian and International most effective and up-to-date practices. At ICA, we guarantee the continuous improvement of our programs, training and resources to adapt to the world's changing reality. From Day 1, we provide schools with ongoing support and effective tools to implement a new kind of school.
・Early Childhood Full Curriculum
・Early Childhood and ELA Student Activities
・Pedagogical short videos and other instructional media and guidance materials.
・Grade 1-12 English Language Arts Lessons
・Digital Media Academy Full Curriculum
・Digital Media Academy Certification for Schools
・Guidance on how to use third party materials
・Curated online resources about Education
・Online Global Community Platform for all ICA Educatorsカナダは、質の高いバイリンガル教育で長い間成功を収めてきた国です。カナダの生徒たちは、国際的なテストでも上位にランクインしています。
・幼児期および ELA 学生のアクティビティ
・デジタル・メディア・アカデミー フル・カリキュラム
・すべてのICA教育関係者のためのオンライン・グローバル・コミュニティ・プラットフォームAdvantages etc
A strategic partnership to reshape education
At the International Canadian Academy, our mission is to develop a model of school that enables learners to foster the lifelong competencies they need to thrive in their life.
Our franchising model is based on the most effective Canadian and International practices. We provide our franchisees with all the materials, support and professional learning they need to operate transformative institutions.教育を再構築する戦略的パートナーシップ
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Burger/Fast FoodJaggers
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2014
- Store LocationsUSA
- Investment LevelASK
Jaggers is quality food, served by friendly people. It was created by the founder of Texas Roadhouse, Kent Taylor. The Jaggers concept in Indianapolis has seen steady sales growth. Each restaurant is heavily involved in its community and serves better burgers, hand-breaded chicken and fresh-made salads in a casual atmosphere. For convenience, guests can order online or drive-thru.
Our menu items are prepared fresh every day using natural ingredients. We prepare our food items only after we receive the order, and ensure our food is fresh and made-for-you. Our guests return frequently because of our food quality. Our high-quality food is offered in many convenient ways. We offer drive-thru pickup, curb service, online ordering ahead for take-out and dine-in.
Jaggersは、質の高い料理をフレンドリーな人たちが提供する店です。Texas Roadhouseの創始者であるKent Taylorによって創られた。インディアナポリスでのJaggersのコンセプトは、着実に売上を伸ばしている。各レストランは地域社会と深く関わり、カジュアルな雰囲気の中で、より美味しいハンバーガー、手焼きチキン、作りたてのサラダを提供しています。便利なことに、お客様はオンラインまたはドライブスルーで注文することができます。
Advantages etc
Made Fresh
Jaggers sells better burgers and hand-breaded chicken tenders and filets. The crisp, fresh salads are chopped and tossed when ordered and served with our signature homemade, in-house dressing. It’s a given, we appreciate fresh air, fresh flowers, and fresh starts. After all, there is no substitute.Fresh is a good thing.
Actually, fresh is best. We don’t just say the word fresh here at Jaggers, we live fresh every day. Step inside and you will smell our fresh made buns baking, or see our fresh tossed salads being built with only the finest ingredients. Fresh means never frozen and that’s why our chicken and burgers are better. Our burgers are fresh ground, never frozen. Our chicken breasts and tenders are fresh, never frozen. Fresh is a good thing. Unless you are fresh out of food….in which case you better come to Jaggers now.メイド・フレッシュ
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2021
- Store LocationsJapan
- Investment LevelASK
■1年間通じて売れる安定した外商部門Advantages etc
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Little Caesars Pizza
Pizza/Fast FoodLittle Caesars Pizza
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 1959
- Store Locations27 countries, more than 5,000 stores
- Investment LevelASK
Little Caesars Pizza, founded in 1959, is the third-largest pizza chain in the United States. The Little Caesars headquarters is located in the Fox Theatre building in Downtown Detroit, Michigan. It operates franchises internationally, including Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America.
Little Caesars Pizza is the largest carry out pizza chain in the world and an internationally known brand. The success of Little Caesars allowed owners Mike and Marian to own other businesses in the food, sports and entertainment industries, including the Detroit Red Wings, Detroit Tigers, and Olympia Entertainment, among others. Just like Little Caesars, Mike and Marian’s businesses are synonymous with "fun."
リトル・シーザーズ・ピザは、1959 年に創業した全米第 3 位のピザチェー ンです。リトル・シーザーズの本社はミシガン州デトロイトのダウンタウンにあるフォックス・シアターのビルにある。ヨーロッパ、アジア、中東、ラテンアメリカなど国際的 にフランチャイズ展開をしています。
リトル・シーザーズ・ピザは、世界最大のキャリーアウトピザチェーンであり、国際的に知られたブランドである。リトル・シーザーズの成功により、オーナーのマイクとマリアンは、デトロイト・レッドウィングス、デトロイト・タイガース、オリンピア・エンターテインメントなど、食品、スポーツ、エンターテインメント業界の他のビジネスも所有するようになったのです。リトル・シーザーズと同様、マイクとマリアンのビジネスは "FUN"の代名詞となっています。
Advantages etc
As quick serve restaurants around the nation feel the heat of rising supply costs and higher commodity prices, Little Caesars continues to pioneer its way as the industry leader of value and convenience. At Little Caesars, we’re focusing on what we do best: creating value by offering top quality pizza made with fresh ingredients for a great price.
"Research tells us that our customers appreciate the great value we provide," said Richard Greville, former Vice President and General Manager, Little Caesars of Canada ULC and now a Little Caesars Franchisee. “Little Caesars is the value leader, which is a strong competitive advantage for our franchisees as they grow their businesses across the country.
リトルシーザーズ・オブ・カナダ ULC の前副社長兼ゼネラルマネージャーで、現在はリトルシーザーズのフランチャイジーであるリチャード・グレヴィルは、「調査によると、私たちが提供する素晴らしい価値がお客様に評価されているようです」と述べています。「リトル・シーザーズはバリュー・リーダーであり、全国でビジネスを展開するフランチャイジーにとって強力な競争力を持っています。
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Childhood Coding/IT Educationlogiscool
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2014
- Store Locations32 countries, more than 160 centers
- Investment LevelASK
Our mission is to make coding education available for as many school-age children as possible. The first Logiscool opened in early 2014, and our fast-growing recession-proof franchise network has educated 160,000+ children at 160+ locations in 32 countries and 5 continents.
Digital literacy, digitality, and IT knowledge cannot be highlighted enough today. Take Generation Z: they are born together with gadgets, and their best mates are applications, YouTube videos, and Google. New jobs are born, influencers, front-end developers, and digital experts are around, and robots are also becoming parts of our lives today – and will be even more common in the future.
The earlier we can give a taste of digitality to our kids, the higher chance they will transform from being just a consumer and become an active creator, ensuring a successful career in a digital world.logiscoolは、コーディング専門スクールの世界的なフランチャイズネットワークです。
子供たちに早くからデジタルを体験させることができれば、単なる消費者から積極的なクリエイターに変身し、デジタル社会で成功するキャリアを手に入れる可能性が高くなるのです。Advantages etc
In a world where technology touches every aspect of our lives, it is crucial that our children become active creators of technology, not just passive users.
Algorithmic thinking
Our students learn logical thinking, problem solving and process creation. Even their school results can improve.
Digital literacy
In the near future no profession is untouched by computers, therefore coding is a core skill of 21st century that every child must possess.
Our experience-based teaching method wide-opens doors to creativity during programming education. While seriously learning they do what they most like: create.
It is cool
We teach kids and teens the joy of computer coding by helping them write their own cool computer animations, games and applications.
Even if not all our students will become programmers, Logiscool is a perfect “investment” in any workspace – there is a constantly growing need for all kinds of coding knowledge worldwide.
Our learning programmes spans a full 7 years, and there are over 160,000 students who started coding at one of our courses or coding. According to happy kids and parents, we are doing it well! Our engaging and unique, proprietary education platform can be tailor-made for children of all ages and expertise levels. We are convinced that learning the core skill of the future can be fun and easy.
We offer an engaging proprietary education platform, innovative, long-term curriculum in 90 minutes after-school classes with university students as trainers and in an inspiring environment.
There are a full variety of topics in our popular holiday coding camps, including computer game and application design, Minecraft, robots, video and photo editing, website creation, etc. Whatever the topic is, the other half of the day is reserved for outdoor activities and fun.なぜプログラミングがそんなに重要なのか?
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Long John Silver's
Seafood/Fast FoodLong John Silver's
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 1969
- Store LocationsUSA and Singapore, more than 700 stores
- Investment LevelASK
Founded in 1969 by Jim Patterson, Long John Silver’s pioneered the seafood quick service restaurant industry, making great tasting, sustainably sourced and affordable seafood accessible to consumers across the country. Over the last ~50 years, Long John Silver’s has combined its national scale, strong consumer awareness, craveable menu, compelling proposition, and unmatched seafood knowledge and expertise. Today, Long John Silver’s owns, operates and franchises nearly 700 restaurants (~70% franchised) located across 38 U.S. states and Singapore generating annual system wide sales of ~$413 million.
Craveable seafood, like that offered by Long John Silver’s, has grown in popularity as a healthier alternative to typical QSR offerings. Long John Silver’s QSR format (including drive-thrus) offers superior convenience compared to traditional full service seafood concept. Over 97% of Long John Silver’s units have a drive-thru. Known for its premium quality seafood at affordable price points, Long John Silver’s offers extraordinary value to its customers.
Long John Silver'sは、1969 年に Jim Patterson によって設立され、シーフードのクイックサービスレストランのパイオニアとして、美味しく、持続可能な方法で調達されたシーフードを、全米の消費者が手頃な価格で楽しめるようにしました。この50年間、Long John Silver'sは、全国的な規模、消費者の強い認知度、美味しいメニュー、魅力的な提案、そして比類のないシーフードの知識と専門性を兼ね備えてきました。現在、Long John Silver'sは米国38州およびシンガポールに約700店舗(約70%がフランチャイズ)を所有、運営、フランチャイズしており、システム全体の年間売上高は約4億1300万ドルにのぼります。
Long John Silver'sが提供するような Craveable Seafood は、一般的な QSRに代わる健康的なメニューとして人気が高まってきています。Long John Silver's のQSRフォーマット (ドライブスルーを含む) は、従来のフルサービスシーフードコンセプトと比較して優れた利便性を提供します。Long John Silver'sの97%以上の店舗がドライブスルーを備えています。Long John Silver'sは、手頃な価格で高品質のシーフードを提供することで知られており、お客様に特別な価値を提供しています。
Advantages etc
Long John Silver’s Quality – Not only is LJS’ food craveable and delicious, it is sourced responsibly and its quality is unsurpassed in the restaurant industry. Long before sustainability became an industry buzzword, Long John Silver’s was creating strategic partnerships with those who shared the vision of fishing smarter with less environmental impact. Wild-caught fish come from the deep waters of the Bering Sea while other items such as shrimp are sourced from only the best managed supply partners. Long John Silvers’ seafood is antibiotic free, hormone free, GMO free, additive free and contains no artificial colors or flavors.
Long John Silver’s Training & Support:
Extensive and comprehensive training and support is provided including visits to HQ in Louisville, KY as well as dedicated teams across functions to support you. In addition, Long Johns Silver’s teams will make on-site visits to your store for in-depth training with your teams prior to launch, and franchisees will be provided with support across all functions, including marketing, supply chain, R&D, communications, finance, & architecture.Long John Silver's Quality - LJSの料理は食べやすく美味しいだけでなく、責任を持って調達され、その品質はレストラン業界の中でも群を抜いています。サステナビリティが業界の流行語になるずっと以前から、Long John Silver'sは、環境に負荷をかけずに賢く漁をするというビジョンを共有する人々と戦略的なパートナーシップを築いてきました。天然魚はベーリング海の深海で獲れ、エビなどの他の食材は、最も管理の行き届いた供給パートナーから調達しています。Long John Silversのシーフードは、抗生物質、ホルモン剤、遺伝子組み換え作物、添加物を含まず、人工着色料や人工香味料も不使用です。
Long John Silver'sのトレーニング&サポート。
広範で包括的なトレーニングとサポートが提供されます。これには、キヤノン州ルイビルの本部への訪問や、各機能の専門チームによるサポートが含まれます。さらに、Long Johns Silver'sのチームがあなたの店舗を訪問し、立ち上げ前にあなたのチームと徹底的なトレーニングを行います。また、マーケティング、サプライチェーン、研究開発、コミュニケーション、財務、建築など、すべての機能にわたってフランチャイズ加盟店をサポートします。
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2008
- Store LocationsJapan, Thailand and USA (Partnership shop: China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia etc)
- Investment LevelASK
Yokohama style ramen with the best energy
Machida Shoten is serving established Yokohama style Ramen to the world, with a Tonkotsu (Pork Broth) base with soy sauce flavor with chicken oil, homemade ramen noodles with spinach, dried seaweed, and pork chashu. Machida Shoten started in Japan back in 2008 to fulfill our goal to spread the Yokohama Style Ramen to the world. Since our establishment in 2008, we have refined the taste of our ramen so that once you try it, you will never forget it and will feel like eating it again. And we continue to focus on not only cooking delicious ramen, but also creating a memorable dining experience in the restaurant. We would like to serve the best ramen with the best energy, with a warm smile and deliver a blissful time to our valuable guests.横浜スタイルのラーメンを最高のエネルギーで
町田商店は、横浜スタイルのラーメンを世界に発信しています。豚骨スープをベースに鶏油を加えた醤油味に、ほうれん草、海苔、チャーシューが入った自家製麺を使用しています。町田商店は、横浜スタイルのラーメンを世界に広めるという目標を達成するために、2008年に日本でスタートしました。2008年の創業以来、一度食べたら忘れられない、また食べたくなるようなラーメンを目指して、味に磨きをかけてきました。そして、美味しいラーメンを作るだけでなく、店内で思い出に残る食事体験をすることにもこだわり続けています。最高のラーメンを最高のエネルギーで、温かい笑顔で提供し、大切なお客様に至福の時間をお届けしたいと思います。Advantages etc
More than 600 stores worldwide and the company approaches by various brands.
Gift Holdings is now rapidly expanding both directly managed and produced stores. We have made many mistakes. But everything has been our food for thought. No matter how many more stores we open in the future, we are determined to create stores that will be loved by local residents for a long time. We have a goal for Gift Holidings. Beginning with the opening of stores in Los Angeles and New York, we are moving forward with our plans to bring Best Ramen (heirloom) to people all over the world. We aim to open 1,000 stores in Japan and 1,000 stores overseas, and we will accelerate our store openings by focusing more on human resource training.全世界で600店舗以上、様々なブランドでアプローチ。
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mango chili Thai Cafe
Thai Street Foodmango chili Thai Cafe
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2018
- Store LocationsNapal and China
- Investment LevelASK
Mango Chili Thai Cafe is a fun, vibrant social dining space where groups of friends and families can come together and enjoy simple, easy yet original Thai street food.
As a part of Mango Tree and COCA worldwide, Mango Chili Thai Cafe offers easy and simple Thai food from the streets of Thailand, inviting global diners to experience Thai street food just as the locals do.
With unique approach to cooking Thai dishes, along with rustic yet vibrant concept of the restaurant, Mango Chili Thai Cafe will assure dinners of a fun and exciting dining experience with fast and casual Thai street food in a fun and affordable way, just as they would find in Thailand.Mango Chili Thai Cafeは、友人同士や家族で集まり、シンプルで簡単、かつオリジナリティあふれるタイのストリートフードを楽しめる、楽しくて活気のあるソーシャルダイニングスペースです。
Mango TreeとCOCAワールドワイドの一員として、Mango Chili Thai Cafeはタイのストリートから簡単でシンプルなタイ料理を提供し、世界中のお客様に地元の人たちと同じようにタイのストリートフードを体験していただけるようお誘いしています。
タイ料理に対するユニークなアプローチと、素朴でありながら活気に満ちた店のコンセプトにより、Mango Chili Thai Cafeは、タイで味わうような、楽しくてカジュアルなタイのストリートフードを、楽しくてお得な方法で味わえることをお約束します。Advantages etc
In the 17th century in Thailand, during the reign of King Narai the Great, this popular dish made its way to the tables of the ancient Kingdom of Ayutthaya. Impressed by visiting Chinese merchants’ natural skills in preparing such a fragrant and succulent noodle dish, the Thai people adopted and adapted the original recipe for Beef Noodle Soup to suit their taste, adding local ingredients that made it their own.
From fancy restaurants to street stalls Thai grilled meats and the great dips that go with them are a staple in Thai cuisine and society. Our BBQ concept focuses on these uniquely regional styles of grilled meats from Gai Yang (Thai marinated BBQ Chicken) to the famous for Kor Moo Yang “Grilled Pork Neck”.タイ風ビーフン
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mango tree
Thai Foodmango tree
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 1994
- Store LocationsMore than 30 stores Worldwide
- Investment LevelASK
The original Mango Tree is located in Surawongse, where the fame all started from.
It is because of our ancient mango trees at the shopfront that made us name our restaurant the way it is now. Since Thailand's mangoes are world-class, we aim to make our restaurant just the same. And here our concept tries to be as traditional as it can be to preserve its rich history in the heart of the city.
In the evenings, we demonstrate live traditional Thai dancing and music which compliments the wooden exteriors and greenery of the restaurant. The outdoor dining can be further admired by its surroundings of heritage wooden houses which kept its original, colourful stained glasses. You may of course, also inside these houses, whether it is for private parties or just a fine-casual meal. Our dishes here are classic yet premium, just like the old Thai days because you deserve to experience the country's authenticity
On top of this, we have a tradition that if the mango from our trees fall on your table, then a mango sticky rice will be on us for you, after your meal.マンゴツリーの元祖はスラウォンセにあり、ここから名声が始まりました。
さらに、当店のマンゴーがテーブルに落ちたら、食後にマンゴースティッキーライスをお出しするという伝統があります。Advantages etc
Mango Tree Worldwide is one of the world’s most innovative and best-known Thai culinary lifestyle brands, serving contemporary Thai cuisine from authentic classics to modern updates to old favourites, complemented by creative mixology, expertly curated music and buzzing locations.
Mango Tree explore culinary of the four regions of Thailand: Northern, North-Eastern, Central and Southern Thai favorites, some refreshed for contemporary tastes or inspired by local and seasonal specialties.
As a leading Asian restaurant operator, Mango Tree Worldwide has expanded and evolved from its origins to be a modern contemporary lifestyle brand that has several tiers of its restaurants for every consumer level. While Mango Tree offers authentic Thai cuisine with casual fine-dining vibes, Mango Tree Thai bistro offers more fun and vibrant hangout space concept with various drink list and Thai-twist creative menu.
Mango Tree Café offers casual and light dining concept, specially designed for department store while Mango Tree kitchen is focus on a specialty menu such as Khra Prao or Kao Mun Kai. The newest concept launch, Mango Tree Grab&Go, developed specifically for major transport hubs, provides diners with freshly-made Thai and International cuisine, perfectly in step with their busy modern lifestyles.マンゴツリーの元祖はスラウォンセにあり、ここから名声が始まりました。
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MezzoX Drip Cafe
Thai CafeMezzoX Drip Cafe
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2010
- Store LocationsThailand, Singapore, Vietnam and Cambodia
- Investment LevelASK
The 1st Mezzo Cafe opened in 2008 90 Locations. "Fresh. Delicious. Just For You."
- World Class Quality Coffee Beans, from Thailand's Northern mountains.
- The beans are roasted often, in small batches. Having a short “from roasting to cup” time, we are able to offer the ultimate coffee experience.
- Mezzo offers unique products, such as Thai Style Coffee, Thai Milk Tea, American Style Brownies, Cornflakes Cookies, and so on.
- We only use "real butter" in all products, for the health of the customers.
- Flexible Business Development Policy. Willingness to adapt to local rules & regulations, in order to help Mezzo’s partners succeed in each international market.2008年、メゾカフェ1号店オープン 90店舗展開 "新鮮。おいしい。Just For You."
- タイ北部の山岳地帯で生産された世界最高品質のコーヒー豆。
- その豆を少量ずつ、頻繁に焙煎しています。焙煎からカップに注ぐまでの時間を短くすることで、究極のコーヒー体験を提供することができるのです。
- タイスタイルコーヒー、タイミルクティー、アメリカンスタイルブラウニー、コーンフレーククッキーなど、Mezzoの商品はユニークなものばかりです。
- お客様の健康を考え、すべての商品に「本物のバター」だけを使用しています。
- 柔軟な事業展開方針。Mezzoのパートナーが国際市場で成功するために、現地の規則や規制を積極的に取り入れています。Advantages etc
We hand drip the coffee instead of using an espresso machine, to achieve a smooth & delicious taste. We also offer tea, Matcha, and other premium quality beverages, at affordable prices.
- Best Taste & Quality, at the Best Prices!
From years of experience, we are able to source the best ingredients at reasonable prices. Therefore, our drink prices are affordable for the intended Premium Mass market.
- Built on the well known Mezzo brand name, and a large customer base.
By sharing the same membership system, MezzoX has a quick start, and does not have to start from scratch.
- Diversified Selling Channels
Including store front, and delivery apps such as: GRAB, GET, and Food Panda, etc.
- Management with Proven Track Record, and a Strong Support Team
With over 12 years in the F&B business, our team has developed and managed almost 100 cafes. We are able to train, advise, and give strong support to the franchisees.
- Locations for MezzoX Drip Cafe
Our basic unit uses regular electricity, does not require water/drainage; so it's very flexible. It may be part of a restaurant, an office, or a hotel. Minimum space requirement is only 8 sqm, it can be opened just about anywhere.エスプレッソマシンを使わず、ハンドドリップでコーヒーを入れることで、滑らかでおいしい味を実現しています。また、お茶や抹茶など、高級感あふれるドリンクもお手頃な価格で提供しています。
- 最高の味と品質を、ベストプライスで。
- Mezzoのブランド名と、多くの顧客基盤を基盤としています。
- 多様な販売チャネル
店頭販売、デリバリーアプリを含む。GRAB、GET、Food Pandaなどのデリバリーアプリなど。
- 実績のある経営陣と強力なサポートチーム
- MezzoXドリップカフェの設置場所
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Motoya Espresso Express
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 1996
- Store LocationsJapan (catering service: worldwide)
- Investment LevelASK
Motoya Express is the most unique cafe business with a variety of store styles, and “Small Food Truck”, which is one of them, offers high quality coffee that exceeds the size of the store. Its quality was praised all over the world, and the CEO graced the cover of the media brand “MONOCLE MAGAZINE” (world affairs and lifestyle magazine).
Coffee beans
We have carefully selected high quality brands that are 100% Arabica varieties.
Production method
By washing with water in-house just before roasting, the coffee has a clean aftertaste that is less unpleasant and does not put a burden on the body.
The special combustion temperature and air volume are adjusted in a timely manner to create beautiful beans.
Chilled beans are blended with a unique formula. It provides a high quality “taste.”モトヤエクスプレスは、様々な店舗スタイルを持つ最もユニークなカフェ業態で、その中の一つである「Small Food Truck」は、店舗規模を超えた高品質なコーヒーを提供しています。そのクオリティは世界中から賞賛され、メディアブランド「MONOCLE MAGAZINE」(世界情勢・ライフスタイル誌)の表紙をCEOが飾りました。
チルド豆を独自の配合でブレンド。上質な "味"を提供します。Advantages etc
Customer Satisfaction
1) The CEO graced the cover of “MONOCLE MAGAZINE,” and its quality has been praised all over the world.
2) We have a lot of experience as a catering service for famous directors and actors at filming locations for TV shows and movies.
1) I was nominated as a candidate for the “2019 GO GLOBAL AWARDS” hosted by the International Trade Association (ITC).
4) As a result of a questionnaire (implementation test) targeting 2,000 people working for global healthcare companies, 99.3% of customers answered “satisfied.”お客様満足度
1) CEOが「MONOCLE MAGAZINE」の表紙を飾り、その品質は世界中から絶賛されています。
2) テレビ番組や映画の撮影現場で、有名監督や俳優のケータリングサービスとして多くの実績があります。
1)国際貿易協会(ITC)主催の「2019 GO GLOBAL AWARDS」の候補にノミネートされました。
4)グローバルヘルスケア企業に勤務する2,000名を対象にしたアンケート(実施テスト)の結果、99.3%のお客様が "満足 "と回答しました。
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Various meat dish肉寿司
Not Available Learn more
Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2010
- Store LocationsJapan
- Investment LevelASK
Advantages etc
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Japanese Pastaナポリタンのパンチョ
Not Available Learn more
Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2009
- Store LocationsJapan
- Investment LevelASK
家庭では絶対に食べることのできない唯一無二のナポリタンを昔懐かしの「赤いギンガムチェックのテーブルクロス」で。中食需要に強く、時代に合った業態です。Advantages etc
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Pizza Hut Japan
Not Available Learn more
Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 1958
- Store LocationsMore than 18,000 stores, 100 countries
- Investment LevelASK
Advantages etc
1. 世界最大級のピザチェーン「ピザハット」は顧客に対して圧倒的なブランド力を持ちます。
2. 「ピザハット」は外食成長率No.1で急成長のブランドです。
3. 万全の本部サポートをご用意しておりますので、飲食初めての方でも安心してビジネスをスタートして頂けます。
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2020
- Store LocationsSingapore
- Investment LevelASK
Revolution is a premium rhythm cycling brand, established in 2020 and grew to be the premier studio in Singapore with 4 locations within 2 years.
We focus on high intensity, beat filled full body workouts with inspirational, world class instructors. With a combination of beat thumping music, club themed lighting and dark rooms, working out has never been more fun and challenging.
With more than 2,000 first-time riders each month and a growing portfolio of brand partnerships, Revolution is the leading indoor rhythmic cycling brand in Singapore.レボリューションは2020年に設立されたプレミアムリズムサイクリングブランドで、2年で4店舗を展開するシンガポールのプレミアスタジオに成長しました。
毎月2,000人以上の初回利用者があり、ブランドとのパートナーシップも拡大しているレボリューションは、シンガポールを代表するインドアリトミック・サイクリングブランドです。Advantages etc
- Learn the winning formula that builds a highly scalable and profitable business
- 4 studios, 32,000+ loyal customers and 2,000 new riders a month.
- A growing portfolio of brand partnerships and collaborations that drives sales and marketing campaigns
- An established instructor training academy providing a holistic training program producing well rounded instructors teaching inspiring and challenging classes
- Our star instructors can teach at your studios too
Forget the monotony of class based fitness concepts. We keep things fresh through a diverse portfolio of class formats that includes themed classes, master classes, private classes and events
- Get access to our portfolio of themed classes
- You will be provided ongoing support throughout the journey from the design and build of the studio, implementation of the technology, managing the operations through to the sales and marketing of your studio
- Set up your studio within 3 – 6 months実績あるビジネスモデル
- 拡張性が高く、収益性の高いビジネスを構築する勝利の方程式を学びます。
- 4つのスタジオ、32,000人以上のロイヤルカスタマー、毎月2,000人の新規ライダー。
- 販売とマーケティングキャンペーンを推進する、ブランドパートナーシップとコラボレーションの成長ポートフォリオ
- インストラクター養成アカデミーは、総合的なトレーニングプログラムを提供し、刺激的でやりがいのあるクラスを教える丸みのあるインストラクターを養成します。
- 私たちのスターインストラクターは、あなたのスタジオでも教えることができます。
- クラスベースのフィットネスコンセプトの単調さを忘れてください。テーマ別クラス、マスタークラス、プライベートクラス、イベントなど、多様なクラス形式のポートフォリオを通じて、常に新鮮な体験を提供します。
- テーマ別クラスのポートフォリオにアクセスします
- スタジオの設計・施工、テクノロジーの導入、運営管理から販売・マーケティングに至るまで、継続的なサポートを提供します。
- 3ヶ月から6ヶ月でスタジオを開設
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Disinfection and DecontaminationSANONDAF
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2014
- Store LocationsUK, Mexico, Ecuador, South Africa and Singapore
- Investment LevelASK
Specialist Disinfection & Decontamination Services
Operating natonally since 2014, Sanondaf UK are market-leading providers of specialist disinfection and decontamination services.
Sanondaf is Europe’s first disinfection & decontamination franchise, offering professionalism and environmentally safe service destroying 99.99% of harmful bacteria, viruses, funghi, moulds and yeast, in fact any microorganism susceptible to our hospital grade disinfectants.消毒と汚染除去の専門サービス
2014年から国内で営業しているSanondaf UKは、専門的な消毒と汚染除去サービスの市場をリードするプロバイダーです。
Sanondafはヨーロッパ初の消毒・汚染除去フランチャイズで、有害なバクテリア、ウイルス、真菌、カビ、酵母など、病院レベルの消毒剤に反応するあらゆる微生物を99.99%除去する、専門的かつ環境的に安全なサービスを提供します。Advantages etc
- Fast, Effective & Efficient
Our solutions are purposefully designed to be faster, more effective and significantly more efficient than traditional deep clean or other decontamination methods.
- Why Touchless
Sanondaf’s touch-less disinfection solutions combine the effect of both our spraying devices and disinfectant solutions. The dual effect of both devices and disinfectants, enables the air and surface in a room to be disinfected automatically. Our disinfectant is a patented, highly effective, oxidizing disinfectant that kills 99.99% of all hazardous germs and bacteria without posing a threat to humans, animals or plants.
- Who Uses Sanondaf
Sanondaf disinfects enclosed and open spaces using SANFOG & SANOSTATIC spraying devices. It can be used in domestic, most industry sectors and markets.
・Life Sciences
・Office & Work Environments
・Care Facilities
・Schools & Universities
・Gym & Fitness Centres
・Office & Work Environments
・Hotel & Accommodation Providers
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・Events Industry and more…
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Sanondaf backs up its best-in-class products and services with unparalleled training and support that prepares new franchise owners not just on cleaning but on successful business ownership, with marketing and operations guidance from the best in the business. It’s impossible to find a better disinfecting & decontamination franchise opportunity.- 迅速、効果的、効率的
- なぜタッチレスなのか
- Sanondafの使用対象者
・イベント産業 など
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Slim Chickens
Chicken/Fast FoodSlim Chickens
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2003
- Store LocationsUSA, UK and Kuwait (More than 800 stores)
- Investment LevelASK
Slim Chickens is more than a quick meal. Guests can always expect fresh, hand-breaded chicken tenders and wings cooked to order and served with house dipping sauces.
With more than 160+ locations and a fanatical following in the U.S. and internationally, this eternally cool brand is an emerging national franchise leading the “better chicken” segment and intends to grow nationally with a footprint of 600+ restaurants over the next decade.
3.4M AUV* (*AUV of Group #1 in the 2021 FDD)
1200+ Units in Development
200+ Locations Opened
35% Sales Growth
With excellent branding, strong unit economics, and a passionate executive team, Slim Chickens is perfectly poised for development with the right investors. From site selection through grand opening, our team is with you every step of the way.スリムチキンズは手軽な食事以上のものです。注文を受けてから調理する新鮮な手羽先と手羽元を、自家製ディップソースとともにお召し上がりいただけます。
3.4M AUV* (*2021年FDDのグループ#1のAUV)
優れたブランド力、強力なユニット経済性、情熱的な経営陣により、スリムチキンズは適切な投資家と共に開発するための完璧な態勢を整えています。立地選定からグランドオープンまで、私たちのチームはすべてのステップでお客様をサポートします。Advantages etc
Always Fresh
Fresh is better. Fresh is what our customers deserve. Our chicken is 100% all-natural, premium chicken tenderloins, meaning we only serve our guests the most tender chicken possible—the best cut.Highest Quality Ingredients
Less is more. Slim Chickens leans on a simple list of high quality ingredients using house recipes crafted by founders Tom and Greg. We marinate our chicken using fresh buttermilk, and our trained Team Members hand-bread every tender using a decade-old process to marinade and lock in moisture.Diverse Menu Options
Our diverse menu extends beyond the classics, to our own spin on sandwiches, salads and wraps—from the southern fried Craft Sandwiches, to sweet-savory Chicken & Waffles and decadent seasonal Jar Desserts. There’s something for the whole family to love.Friendly and Welcoming
Find vibrant murals customized to each local community we serve, open and modern architecture, and comfortable, family-friendly seating, all set to the tune of Delta Blues inspired music.Community Involvement
Serving great food in a great atmosphere is first. We serve our communities as we serve our customers—beyond expectation. Whether it’s sponsoring the local youth soccer team or donating a portion of our proceeds on a busy night to a local charity, our mission is to give back to the communities we serve in a way that helps our community become a better place to live and work.いつも新鮮
Contact Agent
Tendon Kohaku
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2016
- Store LocationsJapan, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia and Canada
- Investment LevelASK
TENDON is popular among various generations as Japanese Traditional Dish. It has recently been gaining popularity around the world, is a healthy bowl topped with tasty and beautiful tempura. However, the number of stores serving TENDON is not enough when taking the global popularity into account. KOHAKU will continue to promote Japanese TENDON culture to the world.
Advantages etc
Surprisingly, the first branch of KOHAKU opened in Singapore, not Japan. Because with the world in its view and aimed for Asia at first. Not uncommon even if TENDON restaurant opens in Japan, the strategy of KOHAKU was just to let accept TENDON culture to overseas. For that, KOHAKU continued to research and collect data required to extend out to the rest of the world. As result that, shortly after the opening in Singapore became a popular restaurant where people line up to eat TENDON.
The name "KOHAKU" means "Amber" and like an amber gem shining mysterious with plant inclusions, fresh ingredients are dipped in the golden batter and fried to an amber perfection to satisfy their customer’s palates. Also KOHAKU releases seasonal menu that updated once every 3 months with the basic quality.
Mouth-watering "Crispy Batter"
"Two kinds of sauces" keeps customers coming back for more
"Hand-picked ingredients (Shrimp, Vegetables etc)"
"Hand-picked rice from Japan"
"Hand-picked oil (Originally blended oil)"意外なことに、KOHAKUの最初の支店は日本ではなく、シンガポールにオープンした。世界を視野に入れ、まずはアジアを目指したからだ。日本に天丼屋ができても珍しいことではなく、あくまで天丼の文化を海外に受け入れてもらおうというのが、幸伯の戦略だった。そのために、海外に進出するための調査やデータ収集を続けてきた。その結果、シンガポールでは開店後間もなく、天丼を食べるために行列ができる人気店になりました。
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Texas Chicken
Chicken/Fast FoodTexas Chicken
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 1952
- Store Locations25 countries, more than 1,550 stores
- Investment LevelASK
Founded in San Antonio, Texas (USA) in 1952, Church’s/Texas Chicken is a highly recognized brand name in the QSR sector, and is the second largest geographically located quick service chicken concept in the world. Church’s Chicken serves traditional Southern and Spicy Fried Chicken with a focus on offering complete meals with large portions at low prices and is positioned as the Value Leader in the Chicken QSR category. The Church’s Chicken system will have over 1,550 locations in 25 countries, with system sales in excess of $1.3 billion. Internationally we operate as Church’s and Texas Chicken.
Church's/Texas Chickenは、1952年に米国テキサス州サンアントニオで創業し、QSR分野において高い認知度を誇るブランドであり、地理的にも世界で2番目に大きいクイックサービスチキンをコンセプトとした店舗です。Church's Chickenは、伝統的なSouthern Fried ChickenとSpicy Fried Chickenを提供しており、低価格で大容量の完全食を提供することに重点を置き、チキンQSRカテゴリーにおけるバリューリーダーと位置づけられています。Church's Chickenのシステムは、25カ国で1,550店舗以上を展開し、システム売上高は13億ドルを超える予定です。国際的にはChurch's ChickenとTexas Chickenとして展開しています。
Advantages etc
Known for its Southern-style chicken, Church’s also serves Southern specialties including fried okra, coleslaw, mashed potatoes with gravy, corn on the cob, Jalapeño Cheese Bombers, and its unique Honey Butter Biscuits. In 2005, Church’s Chicken launched an array of spicy chicken products. Internationally, Church’s Chicken serves a complete line of classic and spicy products, including various sandwiches, wraps, salads, breakfast items, and combination platters.
Church'sは南部スタイルのチキンで知られ、フライドオクラ、コールスロー、グレービーソース入りマッシュポテト、コーンオンザコブ、ハラペーニョチーズボンバー、独自のハニーバタービスケットなどの南部名物料理も提供しています。2005年には、Church's Chickenはスパイシーチキン製品の数々を発売しています。海外では、サンドイッチ、ラップ、サラダ、朝食メニュー、コンビネーションプラッターなど、定番商品からスパイシーな商品まで、幅広いラインナップを取り揃えています。
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Texas Roadhouse
Steak RestaurantTexas Roadhouse
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 1993
- Store Locations11 countries, more than 600 stores
- Investment LevelASK
It all began on February 17, 1993, when the first Texas Roadhouse was opened in Clarksville, Indiana. Our goal was to own not just a family restaurant and not just a steak restaurant, but a place where everyone, of all ages, could come and have a great meal and great fun for a great price.
We like to brag about our Hand-Cut Steaks, Fall-Off-The-Bone Ribs, Made-From-Scratch Sides, and Fresh-Baked Bread. Everything we do goes into making our hearty meals stand out. We handcraft almost everything we serve. We provide larger portions, so you get more food for your dollar. And if you want an Ice Cold Beer or Legendary Margarita to wash it all down — well, we have those, too.
Our food’s not the only thing that’s Legendary at the Roadhouse — our fun is too! From our line dancers to our jukebox to our friendly servers, you’ll enjoy every second you spend in a Texas Roadhouse. At Texas Roadhouse® our team has an incredible sense of pride in everything we do. Our passion ensures you have a Legendary Experience every time.
1993年2月17日、インディアナ州クラークスビルにTexas Roadhouseの1号店をオープンしたのがすべての始まりです。私たちの目標は、単なるファミリーレストランでもなく、ステーキレストランでもなく、あらゆる年齢層のすべての人が来て、素晴らしい食事と楽しい時間を素晴らしい価格で過ごせる場所を所有することでした。
Texas Roadhouseで伝説となっているのは食事だけではありません。ラインダンサー、ジュークボックス、フレンドリーなサーバーなど、Texas Roadhouse ではすべての時間を楽しく過ごすことができます。Texas Roadhouseのチームは、すべての仕事に誇りをもっています。私たちの情熱が、お客様に毎回伝説的な体験をお約束します。
Advantages etc
・Industry’s highest Annuals Sales Volume per Unit of US$5.2 million.
・Our restaurants average 5,000 guests/week, one of the highest in the industry, serves 300,000 meals/day, and seats 291 guests.
・Industry’s highest “Guest Intent of Return” with approximately 88% score by Technomic 2019 report in 2019.TEXAS ROADHOUSE ACHIEVEMENTS:
・2015 Ranked Overall #1 Consumer Pick in Nation’s Restaurant News
・2016 – 2017 Ranked #1 Full Service Restaurant by Restaurant Business Magazine
・2018 Named by Forbes as one of America’s Best Large Employers
・2019 Named by the Harris Poll as its EquiTrend Brand Of The Year
・2020 Named by the Forbes® as one of America’s Best Large Employers
・2020 Named one the top ten brands resonating with consumers amid coronavirus by influencer marketing and social data firm Influential.なぜ、Texas Roadhouseを選ぶのか?
・業界トップクラスの週平均 5,000 人、1日30万食、291席のレストラン。
・2019年、テクノミック社の2019年レポートにおいて、業界最高の「ゲストの再訪意向」約88%のスコアを獲得。Texas Roadhouseの実績
・2015年Nation's Restaurant Newsで消費者が選ぶ総合1位にランクイン。
・2016年~2017年 レストラン・ビジネス・マガジンでフルサービス・レストラン第1位にランクイン
・2018年 Forbes誌の「America's Best Large Employers」に選出。
・2019年 ハリス・ポールの「EquiTrend Brand Of The Year」に選出。
・2020年 フォーブス誌の「アメリカの最も働きがいのある大企業」に選出。
・インフルエンサーマーケティングおよびソーシャルデータ企業である Influential 社より、コロナウイルスが流行する中、消費者の共感を得たトップ10ブランドの1つに選出。
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TGI Fridays
Bar/GrillTGI Fridays
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 1965
- Store Locations51 countries, more than 700 stores
- Investment LevelASK
Alan Stillman, a perfume salesman opened the first TGI Fridays restaurant in New York City in 1965. Today there are almost 700 TGI Fridays restaurants including 310 in USA and 379 International locations across 51 countries.
In Here Is Always Friday
For people who crave new shareable experiences, TGI Fridays is the most innovative Bar & Grill in the world making fun, memorable celebrations out of everyday occasions.Our goal is to be the best American Bar & Grill in every trade area in which we compete. Here’s what that feels like….!!!
・Clearly differentiated from our competitors
・Delivering an exceptional experience for our Guests
・Increasing the value for the price they pay
・Inspired by heritage of our New York City roots
・An authentic, social, casual experience
・To be the best Casual Dining Restaurant in every trade zone – no compromise!1965年、香水のセールスマンだったアラン・スティルマンがニューヨークでTGIフライデーズ1号店を開店しました。現在、TGI Fridaysレストランは、米国内に310店舗、世界51カ国に379店舗、合計約700店舗を展開しています。
In Here Is Always Friday
TGI Fridaysは、新しい体験を共有したいと願う人々のために、日常を楽しく、思い出深いものにする世界で最も革新的なバー&グリルです。私たちの目標は、競合するすべての商圏で最高のアメリカン・バー&グリルとなることです。それがどんなものかというと…。
・すべてのトレードゾーンで最高のカジュアルダイニングレストランになること - 妥協は許さないAdvantages etc
TGI Fridays Business Proposition:
・TGI Fridays trades in several different trade areas and formats.
・Multiple country and trade area opportunities available worldwide.
・Investment cost savings. More efficient layouts and less Back-of-house space required.
・From Full size Flagship restaurants to Small Footprint locations. Transport Hubs, Entertainment Complexes, and Kiosks we have it all…TGI Fridays Key Milestones / Achievements
・TGI Fridays first international location opens in Birmingham, England in 1986
・TGI Fridays invented the all-time favorite Loaded Potato Skins
・TGI Fridays introduced its annual World Bartender Championship – a global tradition that continues today.
・TGI Fridays became the first American casual dining restaurant to open in Moscow.
・TGI Fridays opens its 100th international restaurant in Korea and enters Guam, Ecuador, Dominican Republic.
・TGI Fridays opens its 300th International restaurant in Mexico and enters Qatar.TGI Fridaysのビジネス・プロポジション。
・TGI Fridaysのビジネス提案: ・TGI Fridaysは複数の異なる商圏とフォーマットで取引されている。
・TGI Fridaysでは、様々な商圏・業態での取引が可能です。
・フルサイズのフラッグシップレストランからスモールフットプリントの店舗まで。交通機関のハブ、複合エンターテイメント施設、キオスクなど、様々な用途でご利用いただけます。TGI Fridays の主なマイルストーンと実績
・1986年、TGI Fridays初の海外店舗を英国・バーミンガムにオープン。
・TGI Fridaysは、人気のLoaded Potato Skinsを開発しました。
・TGI Fridaysは、現在も続く世界的な伝統である「ワールド・バーテンダー・チャンピオンシップ」を導入しました。
・TGI Fridaysは、アメリカのカジュアルダイニングレストランとして初めてモスクワに出店しました。
・TGI Fridaysは韓国で 100 店舗目をオープンし、グアム、エクアドル、ドミニカ共和国にも進出しました。
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The Alternative Board
Peer Advisory/Business CoachingThe Alternative Board
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 1990
- Store Locations500+ TAB advisory boards across the globe
- Investment LevelASK
The Alternative Board (TAB) is a leading franchising support network that offers a range of services for franchisees. TAB provides a platform for franchise owners to exchange ideas, share experiences, and overcome the unique challenges they face. With TAB, franchisees have access to one-on-one coaching sessions and business development tools to help them reach their goals. TAB's partnership with VF Franchise Consulting provides franchisors and franchisees with the resources they need to succeed in the competitive world of franchising. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your franchise to the next level, TAB is the perfect solution to help you achieve your business goals.
Advantages etc
Helping business owners improve their businesses and change their lives.
For over 30 years, The Alternative Board has cultivated a thriving community of forward-thinking CEOs and business owners who share the collective wisdom and inspiration to radically improve their companies.
- 2.5x Revenue growth over the national avg.
- 25k+ Businesses we’ve helped thrive
- 1,100+ Industries represented in our membership
- $29.3B Gross revenue of companies working with TAB
- 500+ TAB advisory boards across the globe経営者がビジネスを改善し、人生を変えることを支援します。
- 全米平均の2.5倍の収益成長率
- 2万5,000社以上の企業の成長を支援
- 1,100以上の業種が会員として参加しています。
- TABに参加している企業の総収入は293億ドル(約2兆円)です。
- 全世界で500以上のTABアドバイザリーボードを展開
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The Habit Burger Grill
Burger/Fast FoodThe Habit Burger Grill
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 1969
- Store LocationsUSA, Cambodia and China (More than 300 stores)
- Investment LevelASK
The Habit Burger Grill is part of Yum! Brands. Yum! Brands is the world’s leading restaurant company with over 52,000 restaurants in more than 150 countries and territories operating the Company’s restaurant brands – KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and The Habit Burger Grill. Our mission is to build the world’s most loved, trusted and fastest growing restaurant brands. As part of Yum!, the Habit enjoys unparalleled access to world-class talent, know-how and relationships.
The Habit’s beginnings in 1969. Since our humble beginnings in Santa Barbara, California in 1969, The Habit Burger Grill has been operating under the same simple philosophy: Always deliver high quality food and great service at reasonable prices.
By focusing on this core philosophy, we have grown to 300+ locations, mainly on the west coast of the United States. Today, we are one of the leading fast casual, "better burger" brands in the country.
ハビット・バーガー・グリルはYum! Brandsの一員です。Yum! Brandsは、150以上の国と地域で52,000以上のレストランを展開する世界有数のレストラン企業で、当社のレストランブランドであるKFC、Pizza Hut、Taco Bell、The Habit Burger Grillを運営しています。当社のミッションは、世界で最も愛され、信頼され、急成長しているレストランブランドを構築することです。ヤム!の一員として、ザ・ハビットはワールドクラスの人材、ノウハウ、人間関係への比類ないアクセスを享受しています。
1969年のザ・ハビットのはじまり 1969年、カリフォルニア州サンタバーバラで謙虚にスタートして以来、The Habit Burger Grillは同じシンプルな哲学のもとで運営されています。常に高品質な料理と素晴らしいサービスをリーズナブルな価格で提供することです。
この基本理念を重視することで、アメリカ西海岸を中心に300以上の店舗を展開するまでに成長しました。現在では、全米でも有数のファストカジュアル "ベターバーガー"ブランドとなっています。
Advantages etc
Our food, our key differentiator. Way back in 2014, The Habit Burger Grill was already named the "best tasting burger in America" in in a comprehensive survey conducted by one of America’s leading consumer magazines. We were also recently named in Thrillist’s list of "Underrated Burger Chains that Need to be in Every State!" and "Best Regional Fast-food chain in the Nation" according to USA Today.
Internationally, The Habit successfully entered Shanghai in 2017, and is currently rated online as #1 in the burger category.*Footnote: *As rated by Meituan users, data accurate as of October 2021
While Charburgers are our signature item, there’s much more you can enjoy at the Habit Burger Grill. There’s the Grilled Chicken Sandwich and Tenderloin Steak on ciabatta bread, Chicken Club on sourdough bread and even a sushi-grade Ahi Tuna sandwich. All chargrilled over an open flame at 600 degrees Fahrenheit.
Not to forget a range of salads and unique side items. The Habit is also known for its chef-driven, culinary focused seasonal innovations that are inspired by the best of Californian cuisine.
私たちの料理、私たちの重要な差別化要因です。2014年のことですが、ハビットバーガーグリルは、アメリカの大手消費者雑誌が行った包括的な調査で、すでに「アメリカで最もおいしいハンバーガー」に選ばれています。また、最近ではThrillistの「全州にあるべき過小評価されたバーガーチェーン!」、USA Todayの「全米で最高の地域密着型ファストフードチェーン」にも選ばれています。
海外では、2017年にThe Habitが上海進出を成功させ、現在ハンバーガー部門で1位とネットで評価されています※2021年10月Meituanユーザーによる評価
また、サラダやユニークなサイドメニューもご用意しています。The Habitは、シェフ主導で、カリフォルニア料理の最高峰からインスピレーションを得た、料理に焦点を当てた季節ごとの革新的な料理でも知られています。
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Not Available Learn more
Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2014
- Store LocationsJapan
- Investment LevelASK
フランチャイズチェーン本部として国内トップクラスの展開を経験したノウハウがあるため、さまざまなサポート体制の仕組みや管理ツール等も充実しています。また、コロナ禍においていち早くDX化に取り組み、目まぐるしい速度で変化進化し続けているブランドです。Advantages etc
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Hot Dogs/Fast FoodWienerschnitzel
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 1961
- Store LocationsUSA, more than 330 stores
- Investment LevelASK
Wienerschnitzel is the World’s Largest Hot Dog Chain specializing in Chili Dogs, Corn Dogs and Chili Cheese Fries. With restaurants throughout the Southwest United States, it’s beloved for its friendly service, fun personality and unique fare. As demand for hot dogs grows globally, Wienerschnitzel is aggressively planning international development.
Wienerschnitzel was founded in 1961 in Southern California by John Galardi. John wanted his restaurants to stand out from the crowd so that’s why he specialized in hot dogs while others were focused on hamburgers and tacos. He called it Wienerschnitzel instead of something like John’s Hot Dogs to get customers’ attention, it sure did. Being proud to be unique is one of the values the company still lives by today. It’s also still run by the Galardi family. His wife, Cindy, is the CEO, his son, JR, is the President and all franchisees are considered part of the WienerFam.
Wienerschnitzelは1961年、John Galardiによって南カリフォルニアで創業されました。ハンバーガーやタコスをメインにしたレストランが多い中、ジョンは自分のレストランを目立たせようと、ホットドッグに特化したのです。John's Hot Dogsの代わりにWienerschnitzelと名付け、お客様の注目を集めました。ユニークであることに誇りを持つことは、今日でも会社の価値観の一つです。現在もガラルディ一家が経営している。妻のシンディがCEO、息子のJRが社長、そしてフランチャイジーは皆、WienerFamの一員とみなされています。
Advantages etc
Wienerschnitzel Business Proposition:
・Eight consecutive years of same-store sales increases in the U.S. – low food costs – highly profitable business model
・Small real estate footprint – lower cost of entry
・Simple business to operate
・World famous hot dog and Tastee Freez soft-serve menu – outstanding in quality and taste
・Global consumer demand, very few “quality” hot dog options
・Privately owned, family-run business since 1961
・Superior training and supportWienerschnitzel Training & Support:
Our Training Program is an intense nine-week program that acquaints franchisees with day-to-day requirements of operating a restaurant. The program involves a six-day workweek, averaging ten or more hours per day. This program is self-paced designed to effectively prepare our franchisees to operate as an independent businessperson.Wienerschnitzelのビジネス・プロポジション。
・米国で8年連続の既存店売上高増 - 低い食材費 - 高い収益性のビジネスモデル
・小さなフットプリント - 低い参入コスト
・世界的に有名なホットドッグとTastee Freezソフトクリームのメニュー - 品質と味において卓越している
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Yakiniku Futago
Yakiniku(Japanese BBQ)焼肉ふたご
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2010
- Store LocationsJapan, Hong Kong and United States
- Investment LevelASK
Most unique concept
Your server grills and gives meats for best condition, for that be able to eat meats at best, get a knowledge about meat, enjoy with conversation and more, getting repeaters will be available by these effectiveness. As a result, FUTAGO became one of the big restaurant chains and expanded overseas such as NYC and HK.ユニークなコンセプト
サーバーが最高の状態で肉を焼き、提供することで、最高の状態で肉を食べ、肉の知識を得て、会話を楽しみ、その効果でリピーターを獲得することができます。その結果、FUTAGOは一大レストランチェーンとなり、NYや香港など海外にも進出しました。Advantages etc
Be satisfied with the reservation limited menu
The Ribroast Part of the Black Wagyu Kalbi that’s cut into steak size called “HAMIDERU KALBI". This meat contains around 8oz. per serving and recommended is with Sangchu lettuce. This item amongst customers and could only be obtained through reservations.It’s one of the reason to get repeaters.
MICHELIN also praised
During the popular lunch, only a small but divine selection of ramen is available, accompanied by a rich tonkotsu broth. The thing that sets a meal apart at this Japanese jewel is the stunning beef quality – cuts like black Wagyu or Hamideru kalbi are fantastically creamy, bold in meaty flavors and rich with fatty notes (MICHELIN GUIDE NYC 2017)."FUTAGO" means twins in Japanese by the way.1. 厳選牛を量半分値段半分でご提供
2. 料理の提供はお口まで
3. 焼肉はご褒美食ではなく日常食
4. 新鮮絶品ホルモンで「お客様リピーター率120%」
5. 名物黒毛和牛のはみ出るカルビ
6. お肉を五感で楽しむ
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Yenly Yours Dessert
Mango Dessert CafeYenly Yours Dessert
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Brand Info.
- Brand HistorySince 2010
- Store LocationsThailand, Singapore, Vietnam and Cambodia
- Investment LevelASK
Our family has a over 30 years of orchard farming honey mangoes, jackfruit and longan in Chiang Rai province of Northern Thailand. Thai Honey Mangoes (Nam Dok Mai) are known worldwide and considered one of the best mangoes in the world for its rich and sweet taste.
This led us to take the next step and create a dessert café to utilize these great mangoes along with the effort to help the local mango farmers export their products.
Born was Yenly Yours, a mango dessert café, offering a variety of products utilizing fresh mangoes and offering guests a taste of Thailand that is refreshing and delicious!
私たち家族は、タイ北部のチェンライ県で30年以上にわたり、ハニーマンゴー、ジャックフルーツ、リュウガンの果樹園を営んでいます。タイのハニーマンゴー(Nam Dok Mai)は世界的に知られており、その濃厚で甘い味は世界で最も優れたマンゴーのひとつとされています。
マンゴーデザートカフェ「Yenly Yours」が誕生しました。新鮮なマンゴーを使った様々な商品を提供し、お客様にタイの味を爽やかで美味しく味わっていただくことができます。
Advantages etc
Our Ingredient Sources
・Partnered with a strong cooperative network of quality Thai farmers in over 30 cities throughout the country.
・Sourced only from quality areas in the North and South of Thailand because of its scrumptious taste.
・Selected only export standard of quality of “Nam Dok Mai” mangoes – considered the most popular mangoes in Thailand with its yellowish pulp and delicate sweet taste.Our Offerings
・We are the expert of Thai mangoes and fresh fruits, so we create differentiating menu by mixing Thai and modern style in our own way.
・A variety of well-crafted smoothies and unique desserts (mostly made from our high – quality mangoes) are available for dine-in, take-away or home deliveries.原材料の調達先
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